Aeronautics and Space Chapter I. (2) Average daily departures of air carrier aircraft. (a) Limit access to movement areas and safety areas only to those pedestrians and ground vehicles necessary for airport operations; (b) Establish and implement procedures for the safe and orderly access to and operation in movement areas and safety areas by pedestrians and ground vehicles, including provisions identifying the consequences of noncompliance with the procedures by all persons; (c) When an air traffic control tower is in operation, ensure that each pedestrian and ground vehicle in movement areas or safety areas is controlled by one of the following: (1) Two-way radio communications between each pedestrian or vehicle and the tower; (2) An escort with two-way radio communications with the tower accompanying any pedestrian or vehicle without a radio; or. (2) Each vehicle with a minimum-rated vehicle water tank capacity of at least 2,000 gallons must have a turret discharge rate of at least 600 gallons per minute, but not more than 1,200 gallons per minute. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004, as amended by Amdt. Records of each accident or incident occurring after the June 9, 2004 must be maintained for 12 consecutive calendar months from the date of the accident or incident. under 14 CFR part 121 or public charter operations under 14 CFR part 380. PDF Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 139 - FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for ARFF equipment and extinguishing agents that are acceptable to the Administrator. As used in this section, to properly maintain includes cleaning, replacing, or repairing any faded, missing, or nonfunctional item; keeping each item unobscured and clearly visible; and ensuring that each item provides an accurate reference to the user. (2) Any fraudulent or intentionally false entry in any record or report that is required to be made, kept, or used to show compliance with any requirement under this part. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Index determination. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. Affected Public: A total of 256,000 people would . 14 CFR Part 139, Certification of Airports - YouTube Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. FAA - 14 CFR PART 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS - GlobalSpec 49 CFR 172.101 (i) Personnel. (ii) When requested by the Administrator, demonstrate compliance with the response requirements specified in this section. (k) Emergency access roads. Unscheduled operation means any common carriage passenger-carrying Twenty-four consecutive calendar months for records of training given to pedestrians and ground vehicle operators with access to movement areas and safety areas, as required under 139.329. Regional Airports Division Manager means the airports division manager for the FAA region in which the airport is located. (2) Federal Docket Management System, as specified under 14 CFR part 11. Twelve consecutive calendar months for training records of fueling personnel, as required under 139.321. 1/1.1 Summary: If adopted, 139.303 (g) will require training for all personnel authorized to access the non-movement area as designated in the Airport Certification Manual, regardless of their duties or duration of access. (c) Prevent, insofar as it is within the airport's authority, interruption of visual and electronic signals of NAVAIDS. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR . 139.341 Identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas. In emergency conditions requiring immediate action for the protection of life or property, the certificate holder may deviate from any requirement of subpart D of this part, or the Airport Certification Manual, to the extent required to meet that emergency. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent (xi) Familiarization with firefighters' duties under the airport emergency plan. No. will also bring you to search results. Latest Forms, Documents, and Supporting Material All Historical Document Collections OMB Details Initial Certification of Airports, Reporting Federal Enterprise Architecture: Transportation - Air Transportation You can learn more about the process (b) Each certificate holder shall adopt and comply with an Airport Certification Manual as required under 139.203. Two of the basic requirements to qualify for 14 CFR Part 139 certification is improved Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting services and updated fuel facilities. Procedures for protecting persons and property during the storing, dispensing, and handling of fuel and other hazardous substances and materials, as required under, 19. Please do not provide confidential (d) Make a record of all training completed after June 9, 2004 by each individual in compliance with this section that includes, at a minimum, a description and date of training received. In addition to the quantity of water required, each vehicle required to carry AFFF must carry AFFF in an appropriate amount to mix with twice the water required to be carried by the vehicle. (d) The minimum designated index shall be Index A. Each applicant for, or holder of, an Airport Operating Certificate must allow the Administrator to make any inspections, including unannounced inspections, or tests to determine compliance with 49 U.S.C. view historical versions Title 14 Chapter I Subchapter G Part 139 Subpart C 139.203 Previous Next Top eCFR Content Navigate by entering citations or phrases Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Title 14. : FAA-2010-0247; Amdt. (e) The plan required by this section must contain procedures for notifying the facilities, agencies, and personnel who have responsibilities under the plan of the location of an aircraft accident, the number of persons involved in that accident, or any other information necessary to carry out their responsibilities, as soon as that information becomes available. Each applicant for an Airport Operating Certificate must -. (4) A description of wildlife hazards to air carrier operations. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the installation, lighting, and maintenance of traffic and wind indicators that are acceptable to the Administrator. (2) Index B includes aircraft at least 90 feet but less than 126 feet in length. (8) Airport condition. eCFR :: 14 CFR 139.203 -- Contents of Airport Certification Manual. A record for each individual must be maintained for 24 consecutive months after the termination of an individual's access to movement areas and safety areas. (x) Aircraft cargo hazards, including hazardous materials/dangerous goods incidents. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must provide and maintain, for each runway and taxiway that is available for air carrier use, a safety area of at least the dimensions that -, (1) Existed on December 31, 1987, if the runway or taxiway had a safety area on December 31, 1987, and if no reconstruction or significant expansion of the runway or taxiway was begun on or after January 1, 1988; or. (d) The Administrator approves the Airport Certification Manual. (i) Be submitted in writing at least 120 days before the proposed effective date of the exemption; (ii) Set forth the text of 139.317 or 139.319 from which the exemption is sought; (iii) Explain the interest of the certificate holder in the action requested, including the nature and extent of relief sought; and. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004, unless otherwise noted. - Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, - Air Carriers and Operators for Compensation or Hire: Certification and Operations, (1) Prompt removal or control, as completely as practical, of snow, ice, and slush on each movement area; (2) Positioning snow off the movement area surfaces so all air carrier aircraft propellers, engine pods, rotors, and wing tips will clear any snowdrift and snowbank as the aircraft's landing gear traverses any portion of the movement area; (3) Selection and application of authorized materials for snow and ice control to ensure that they adhere to snow and ice sufficiently to minimize engine ingestion; (4) Timely commencement of snow and ice control operations; and. A Class III airport cannot serve scheduled or unscheduled large air carrier aircraft. Air Carrier - a person who undertakes directly by lease, or other arrangement, to engage in air transportation. Each holder of a Class II, III, or IV Airport Operating Certificate must implement the requirements of this section no later than 36 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. Class III airport means an airport certificated to serve scheduled operations of small air carrier aircraft. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) (b) Each certificate holder must maintain its safety areas as follows: (1) Each safety area must be cleared and graded and have no potentially hazardous ruts, humps, depressions, or other surface variations. 139.5 Definitions. Air carrier aircraft means an aircraft that is being operated by an air carrier and is categorized as either a large air carrier aircraft if designed for at least 31 passenger seats or a small air carrier aircraft if designed for more than 9 passenger seats but less than 31 passenger seats, as determined by the aircraft type certificate issued by a competent civil aviation authority. These procedures must provide for at least the following: (1) Designated personnel to receive and handle hazardous substances and materials. Such personnel must be trained prior to initial performance of rescue and firefighting duties and receive recurrent instruction every 12 consecutive calendar months. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) eCFR The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Displaying title 14, up to date as of 2/22/2023. 14 CFR Part 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS CFR State Regulations prev next Subpart A - General ( 139.1 - 139.7) Subpart B - Certification ( 139.101 - 139.115) Subpart C - Airport Certification Manual ( 139.201 - 139.205) Subpart D - Operations ( 139.301 - 139.343) Authority: 49 U.S.C. There are Federal Register documents that will modify this content. (3) Furnish the applicable portions of the approved Airport Certification Manual to airport personnel responsible for its implementation. (j) Hazardous materials guidance. Part 139 also outlines requirements for airport rescue and firefighting, emergency plans, and, where appropriate, a snow and ice control plan. (a) An index is required by paragraph (c) of this section for each certificate holder. Twelve consecutive calendar months for self-inspection records, as required under 139.327. A grid map or other means of identifying locations and terrain features on and around the airport that are significant to emergency operations, 5. (4) At least once every 12 consecutive calendar months, review the plan with all of the parties with whom the plan is coordinated, as specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, to ensure that all parties know their responsibilities and that all of the information in the plan is current. (1) All other required emergency vehicles; (3) The common traffic advisory frequency when an air traffic control tower is not in operation or there is no air traffic control tower, and. One vehicle carrying at least -, (1) 500 pounds of sodium-based dry chemical, halon 1211, or clean agent; or. Experienced Airport Operations Specialist.Ensures compliance with Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14CFR Part 139) by conducting inspections of runways, taxiways, ramps and other. As used in this part, wildlife includes feral animals and domestic animals out of the control of their owners. (b) A certificate holder must submit in writing a proposed amendment to its Airport Certification Manual to the Regional Airports Division Manager at least 30 days before the proposed effective date of the amendment, unless a shorter filing period is allowed by the Regional Airports Division Manager. 139.217 14 CFR Ch. Joint-use airport means an airport owned by the Department of Defense, at which both military and civilian aircraft make shared use of the airfield. (4) No objects may be located in any safety area, except for objects that need to be located in a safety area because of their function. (f) The plan must include at least the following: (1) A list of the individuals having authority and responsibility for implementing each aspect of the plan. FAA Part 139 Ops Required Training - Other extinguishing agent substitutions authorized by the Administrator may be made in amounts that provide equivalent firefighting capability. (3) Measures authorized by the Administrator for controlling pedestrians and vehicles, such as signs, signals, or guards, when it is not operationally practical to have two-way radio communications between the tower and the pedestrian, vehicle, or escort; (d) When an air traffic control tower is not in operation, or there is no air traffic control tower, provide adequate procedures to control pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas or safety areas through two-way radio communications or prearranged signs or signals; (e) Ensure that all persons are trained on procedures required under paragraph (b) of this section prior to the initial performance of such duties and at least once every 12 consecutive calendar months, including consequences of noncompliance, prior to moving on foot, or operating a ground vehicle, in movement areas or safety areas; and. Docket No. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please (c) Train all persons who access movement areas and safety areas and perform duties in compliance with the requirements of the Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. These standards must cover facilities, procedures, and personnel training and must address at least the following: (4) Fire safety in fuel farm and storage areas. Airport emergency plan c. Notification of the emergency etc. In such a case, the Regional Airports Division Manager incorporates the finding of the emergency and a brief statement of the reasons for the finding in the notice of the amendment. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. (3) Any other provisions of this part that the Administrator finds necessary to ensure safety in air transportation. (2) Identification of the wildlife species observed and their numbers, locations, local movements, and daily and seasonal occurrences. (b) The snow and ice control plan required by this section must include, at a minimum, instructions and procedures for -. (2) 450 pounds of potassium-based dry chemical and water with a commensurate quantity of AFFF to total 100 gallons for simultaneous dry chemical and AFFF application. (1) Has been approved by the Administrator; (2) Contains only those items authorized by the Administrator; (3) Is in printed form and signed by the certificate holder acknowledging the certificate holder's responsibility to operate the airport in compliance with the Airport Certification Manual approved by the Administrator; and. The certificate holder must notify the appropriate FAA Regional Airports Division Manager immediately when noncompliance is discovered and corrective action cannot be accomplished within a reasonable period of time. (2) All other employees who fuel aircraft, accept fuel shipments, or otherwise handle fuel must receive at least initial on-the-job training and recurrent instruction every 24 consecutive calendar months in fire safety from the supervisor trained in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section. 139.3 Delegation of authority. (b) Maintain records required under this part as follows: (1) Personnel training. 139.1 Applicability. (2) Prepare records of all training given after June 9, 2004 to each individual in compliance with this section that includes, at a minimum, a description and date of training received. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the marking, signs, and lighting systems, as required under, 15. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the maintenance and configuration of paved areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. Twelve consecutive calendar months for records of airport condition information dissemination, as required under 139.339. Airport Certification and Safety Inspector - No. (d) In the case of amendments initiated by the FAA, the Regional Airports Division Manager notifies the certificate holder of the proposed amendment, in writing, fixing a reasonable period (but not less than 7 days) within which the certificate holder may submit written information, views, and arguments on the amendment. (2) The full-strength surfaces must have adequate crown or grade to assure sufficient drainage to prevent ponding. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Subchapter G. AIR CARRIERS AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS Part 139. Vehicle turret discharge capacity must be as follows: (1) Each vehicle with a minimum-rated vehicle water tank capacity of at least 500 gallons, but less than 2,000 gallons, must have a turret discharge rate of at least 500 gallons per minute, but not more than 1,000 gallons per minute. (b) This part applies to those portions of a joint-use or shared-use airport that are within the authority of a person serving passenger-carrying operations defined in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. formatting. Wildlife hazard means a potential for a damaging aircraft collision with wildlife on or near an airport. Each air carrier that provides - in an aircraft designed for more than 9 passenger seats - regularly scheduled charter air transportation for which the public is provided in advance a schedule containing the departure location, departure time, and arrival location of the flight must operate to and from an airport certificated under part 139 of this chapter in accordance with 49 U.S.C. To the extent practicable, the plan must provide for rescue vehicles with a combined capacity for handling the maximum number of persons that can be carried on board the largest air carrier aircraft in the Index group required under 139.315. (g) Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must require each tenant fueling agent to take immediate corrective action whenever the certificate holder becomes aware of noncompliance with a standard required by paragraph (b) of this section. (c) The Administrator, after investigation, finds the applicant is properly and adequately equipped and able to provide a safe airport operating environment in accordance with -. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 Subpart C -- Airport Certification Manual (FAR (b) For airports serving any air carrier operation when there is no control tower operating, a segmented circle, a landing strip indicator and a traffic pattern indicator must be installed around a wind cone for each runway with a right-hand traffic pattern. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. The certification process and requirements go into much greater detail and can be found on the FAA's website. Little Rock Flight School At Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport (2) Reasonable protection of persons and property from aircraft blast. (d) Each certificate holder must prepare and keep, for at least 12 consecutive calendar months, a record of each dissemination of airport condition information to air carriers prescribed by this section. In the event a PPR is received for an unscheduled air carrier arrival, airport operations or maintenance staff will be on-site. (g) Implementation. In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must -. (6) Movement areas and safety areas training. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. (a) Marking. Duties Performs multiple, varying and complex assignments under the minimal direction of a manager. developer resources. (a) Furnish upon request by the Administrator all records required to be maintained under this part. 106 (g), 40113, 44701-44706, 44709, 44719. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, if an increase in the average daily departures or the length of air carrier aircraft results in an increase in the Index required by paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must comply with the increased requirements. (3) The independent organization or designee prepares records required under this part in sufficient detail to assure the certificate holder and the Administrator of adequate compliance with the Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. or existing codification. This web site is designed for the current versions of This is an automated process for (4) Duties required under the Airport Certification Manual and the requirements of this part. These objects must be constructed, to the extent practical, on frangibly mounted structures of the lowest practical height, with the frangible point no higher than 3 inches above grade. Such an individual must be trained prior to initial performance of duties, or enrolled in an authorized aviation fuel training course that will be completed within 90 days of initiating duties, and receive recurrent instruction at least every 24 consecutive calendar months. (2) A list prioritizing the following actions identified in the wildlife hazard assessment and target dates for their initiation and completion: (3) Requirements for and, where applicable, copies of local, State, and Federal wildlife control permits. PART 139CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS Subpart AGeneral Sec. (4) Any alteration, for a fraudulent purpose, of any certificate or approval issued under this part. During air carrier operations with only aircraft shorter than the Index aircraft group required by paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder may reduce the rescue and firefighting to a lower level corresponding to the Index group of the longest air carrier aircraft being operated. (3) The full-strength surfaces must be adequately compacted and sufficiently stable to prevent rutting by aircraft or the loosening or build-up of surface material, which could impair directional control of aircraft or drainage. (5) Objects on the movement area or safety areas contrary to 139.309. The wildlife hazard assessment must contain at least the following: (1) An analysis of the events or circumstances that prompted the assessment. (b) For the purpose of Index determination, air carrier aircraft lengths are grouped as follows: (1) Index A includes aircraft less than 90 feet in length. (1) Airports serving scheduled air carrier operations only by reason of being designated as an alternate airport; (2) Airports operated by the United States; (3) Airports located in the State of Alaska that only serve scheduled operations of small air carrier aircraft and do not serve scheduled or unscheduled operations of large air carrier aircraft; (4) Airports located in the State of Alaska during periods of time when not serving operations of large air carrier aircraft; or, [Doc. (6) Procedures to review and evaluate the wildlife hazard management plan every 12 consecutive months or following an event described in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section, including: (i) The plan's effectiveness in dealing with known wildlife hazards on and in the airport's vicinity and. (2) The pavement must have no hole exceeding 3 inches in depth nor any hole the slope of which from any point in the hole to the nearest point at the lip of the hole is 45 degrees or greater, as measured from the pavement surface plane, unless, in either case, the entire area of the hole can be covered by a 5-inch diameter circle. A description of personnel training, as required under, 10. Information . (a) An applicant or a certificate holder may petition the Administrator under 14 CFR part 11, General Rulemaking Procedures, of this chapter for an exemption from any requirement of this part. One of the courses, Preparing for a 14 CFR Part 139 Audit, is particularly timely for TLH. Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBCHAPTER G - AIR CARRIERS AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS PART 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS Subpart D - Operations 139.319 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. Twelve consecutive calendar months for each accident or incident in movement areas and safety areas involving an air carrier aircraft and/or ground vehicle, as required under 139.329. Contents of Airport Certification Manual. Part 139 Final Rule SUBPART A GENERAL. (3) Immediately after an accident or incident. This video provides an overview . Each vehicle required under 139.317 must -, (1) Have a flashing or rotating beacon and.