Tithing and the false teaching of ten percent in the church Again, the Holy Scriptures tell us to: Brian is the Pastor of Christs Church of the Valley in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. Brian is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and is a frequent speaker, lecturer, and podcast guest. Jesus rebuke of phony, hypocritical folks is the one place in all of the new testament where jesus gets really, really angry. If Don does not resign then this church has no credibility as a Chrisitian Church and hopefully God will see to it that it is shut down. That is how far CCV's theology has drifted from orthodox Christianity. Caden previously served as the Next Gen & Teaching Pastor here at Radiant. but this may cause parts of the site to not work properly. Implying that it was in the 4th century that the Catholic Church was "invented." Duh! NOTE: This is for donations only. Hold on to the good. $23k - $56k. Yes, dr. Don wilson - jesus had a story tailored just for you! I just want to believe as the Apostles taught the early Church, no matter where it leads me. Yes, if none of your distinctly CCV doctrines predate the middle ages, and they even contradict your own reformers, I ask you: what is your link to the teachings of the Apostles then? Just imagine if you robbed a bank and placed a little sign on the end of your gun as you pointed it at the teller and it read that you (the robber) are not liable for loss of property or life while in the bank - LOL. 4. The 17th century Anabaptist idea of ONLY Baptism by immersion and ONLY as an adult. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. State Controlled Churches: The 501c3 Deception - Worlds Last Chance "The Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15. Does that make CCV's theology Apostolic? Yet, Don you teach your church that it was an UNBiblical "Tradition of Man" made up in the 11th century. Both "words" are UNBiblical, yet both "ideas" are Apostolic. Covid aside. Click here: Christian Classics Ethereal Library from *Protestant* Calvin College Brenda - Bilndness of your own sins does not mean you are without sin. Vote these evil - dooers out with your feet and head over to another church. Who should I follow then, Don Wilson or historic Christianity which even the first reformers embraced?" Join to view profile . We recognize that many have . Any poster here who defends or soft peddles the truly predatory behavior of this monster is truly one themselves. Yet for many years since, you has attacked the Catholic faith by your misrepresentations of Christian history and Catholic theology, and your accusations that some of its doctrines are not Biblical; that is, not taught by the Apostles to the early Church. We're for second chances. But where should I start? And with open eyes, we witness His image wonderfully and mysteriously woven into everyone we meet. The doctrines you deny as UNBiblical, were taught, (not just by historic Christianity for 2000 years), but also by *your* own original Protestants. cookies to gather anonymous site visitation data and marketing cookies to help us understand which This would unfortunately strand you in Stage 6, of the "7 stages of Christian Spiritual Development." No, you can't. Prior to CCV, Ashley worked at Intel, where he first felt the call to full-time ministry. As important as that is this will come as a surprise to a lot of lonely myopic pastors the Kingdom of God is more than your church. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22. The CCV board needs to investigate this fiasco and fire the appropriate people including senior pastor Dr Don Wilson if he has any responsibility here, especially if he ignored numerous urgent warning letters received for more than a year regarding fraud going down by one bad member on the rest of the body. According to Ephesians 4:11-12, it's "equip the saints for the work of ministry." (ESV) It's so important, I've chosen to call it the Pastoral Prime Mandate. No offer to take his ccvonline.com ad down and call him in for an explanation or meeting to explain his side of the story to me the victim as is required in the bible. They were not making any payments and were in default and forclosure in early 2009, perhaps even 2008. or Why will Pastor will not answer these questions? Just joined in here and after reading the original post and several of the same authors original posts elsewhere about Maldonado I noticed that Maldonad and all of his online personas/family members never once denied any of the core accusations: 1) that he wrote a NSF check to the individual, 2) that he failed to ever make-good cash or cashiers check payment for his bad check to this person after 1.5 years as required by CA bad check statute CC 1719 or even AZ law, 3) that he was investigated by the AZ Bar, 4) that he did not in fact have the liability insurance in May 2009 when he claimed on website www.azbar.org that he did, and 5) that he is a convicted felon for murder among other crimes for a gangbanging event as a youth in La Habra, CA in which he was sentenced for nine years +_ in youth prison as a result. We have groups at CCV that facilitate relationships that result in evangelism and one of the groups you said in jest - "your knitting circle" - we've actually had! CCV Leadership | Christ's Church of the Valley | CCV Do they predate the Renaissance era? Again: Justice, especially in the Christian context, will always win out in the end. I didn't attack CCV. 3K followers 500+ connections. For that would be extremely bad form. The "answer" the Bible demands we give for the reasons for our faith? Tithing, or giving back to God 10% of your income every week is a false teaching used by the church, independent cults, and charlatans of every description, as a club to beat and threaten church members into surrendering ten percent of their salaries in obedience to some phantom law. Ccv teaching pastors. Anger not at prostitutes, or homosexuals, or nancy pelosi, or liberals, or peacemakers like jimmy carter, or other religions, but serious anger for the corrupt, phony two - faced, religious - church leaders of his day and inside the temples of his own religion. You guys are crazy! Yes, ccv (Ccvonline.com) senior pastor and phony "christian" dr. Don wilson and equally phony senior staffers scott chandler and jon edmiston, have been notified in writing by me numerous times for over one year that a formal, known, member of ccv church, fraudster, phoenix lawyer edward maldonado, a former . Not one Christian believed my ideas before the 16th century and not even our first reformers embraced these ideas, but believe me anyway because what I say is *Biblical*." He took cash from his victim days later in April 2009 WHEN HE WAS STILL BROKE AND IN DEFAULT, and wrote his bad-NSF check to that same client in early May 2009 and this is proven by sworn, witnesssed, notarized affidavit from his bank, Bank of America. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. We place a high value on connecting in community with others. Leadership: Building Ministry Leaders for the Long Game at CCV Her desire is to see people . But it is troublesome that 8000 people blindly follow your personal version of the Bible with zero historical support. Therefore how on earth could have the Apostles taught your modern beliefs to the early Church, if they were invented in the 16-19th centuries and eventually compiled into CCV's theology by you in the 20th century? With zero substantiation even when asked to present it. On October 29, 2017, Don Wilson, CCV's founding pastor stepped down as Senior Pastor after 35 years at CCV. You and I both know what they will find. Dearborn Michigan (Sept) #833900. "Believe my modern personal interpretation of the Bible. Bus Guides 7. Are the following CCV ideas Apostolic? Just one person? So for all you till deeply in denial, KOOLADE DRINKING CCV-robot nutjobs, YOUR LEADERSHIP HAS FALLEN. I want to be clear. It is one thing to disagree with another's faith (and actually substantiate that disagreement), it is another thing to disagree with another's faith, and then misrepresent it (either intentionally or unintentionally). I do not see them worthy of hateful speech. 225, Youth Pastorpetew@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Can you find a single Christian soul who believed CCV's distinctive theology before the 16th century? Avoid every kind of evil." Zero. Our team of Pastors are here to answer any of your questions or provide more info about our church. "Stop" is a CCVC word whereas "Post" is a CVCC word. Taking a walk down "Abbey - Christ's Church of the Valley | Facebook 8000 people following the personal interpretations of one man. Jeff serves as an Executive Pastor at Christs Church of the Valley, where he stewards the Leadership Institute, staff leadership development, talent & culture development, stewardship/generosity and strategic planning. I ask again Don, and your parishioners should ask as well. Again, even your own original reformers repudiated these new ideas centuries ago. OR,,,perhaps a third option, and I pray it's not this one. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customers satisfaction. Trent Renner, 40, is the founding pastor. Jeroen van Lent - IT Project Manager - LinkedIn Before Thomas Edison, there was no such thing as a light bulb, and just as before the 2nd and 3rd generational reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries, Don Wilson's theology was *non-existent* as well. end of story. Download FREE resources to teach children about 'CCVC and CVCC words'. Most mainline Protestant denominations concur with what even the secular encyclopedia states: that there is an unbroken succession of bishops and popes from 33AD until today. Mayvbe you want to call me names like a "###" too, Yes Mr Maldonado? One of CCV's pastors conducts the baptism services, but we encourage you to consider asking the person who helped you come to faith in Jesus baptize you. Baptism Christ's Church of the Valley 1 Timothy 2:8-15 remains the crucial scriptural text in the debate over the ordination of women, or, if you prefer, the issue of women serving as pastors of local churches. - aaaabsolutely nothing. What is your link to Christ then outside of your modern personal interpretation of the Bible from which you formulate your theology? They are usually only set in response to actions made by visitors which The fact this great community resource has now been eliminated is obviously do to bitter, vengeful people like you. hetherington and deans funeral home niagara falls. No, for the Apostles did not teach them. An Open letter to Pastor Don Wilson . We are a people who bring life to every area in our community. Once a criminal - always a criminal. This Church meets the need of many. It's even what your original Protestants believed: A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. . He should not be practising law. Haven't you yourself cautioned Christians to be wary if a following is guided more by "the man," than by Christian precepts and historical Christian beliefs? For the only thought process that would condone this logic is the following scenario: that the Apostles taught CCV's theology, then NOT ONE CHRISTIAN SOUL did for 1500+ years (to included the first Protestants) and then all of a sudden the second and third generational Protestants started teaching these ideas *again* except with a different "spin" depending on what new church they were in or founded. Just one person? And that means it is impossible for the Apostles to have taught these ideas. Returned to church! It too was taught by the Apostles to the early Church. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 0; . And how can I progress past the confusing parts? I am holding you accountable for your words of discredit against the Catholic faith. Till it was way too late for nearly everyone. Christ's Church of the Valley - Peoria Campus - Yelp Yes, ccv (Ccvonline.com) senior pastor and phony "christian" dr. Don wilson and equally phony senior staffers scott chandler and jon edmiston, have been notified in writing by me numerous times for over one year that a formal, known, member of ccv church, fraudster, phoenix lawyer edward maldonado, a former maricopa county prosecutor and current maricopa county attorney (Who is so unsuccessful that he still seeks private clients (To screw over) on the side through his lawyer ads on the ccv church website, ccvonline.com) has acted in a highly unethical and in fact criminal manner with me, a former ccv attendee - member (Until this ripoff happened to me and nobody responsed or cared and i stopped attending) . Gal. This comment was posted by a verified customer. The Holy Scriptures call this Church: Two weeks later the check arrived and was bad - nsf on three separate attempts at his bank - b of a. You are taking on 10's of millions of dollars of debt to finance the growth of your new church and the growth of your distinctive ideas. You seem very quick to forget that the church, in which ever guise, has spent nearly 2 millenia covering up and hiding the wrong doings of thier own members. Leadership Institute - Benjamin M. Daniel site. Watch the whole message: http://my.ccv.church/watch/series?SeriesId=220 Marriage is the cornerstone of our culture, we're putting on some gloves, and getting. I have not been rude, or impolite, but I have been persistent. Don, your theology was not taught by the Apostles and subsequently written into the Bible,,, it was not even taught by your own original Protestants! Don, I must admit that your are a good preacher. Or google yourself, there are more articles. . We are glad you are here! No offer to call the police. Or even reformational? God says prove me, I owe it to myself to be sure those I look to as as sanctioned by god to guide me are upright . New people have been attending CCV as a direct result of the following affinity groups: softball, kids play group, volleyball, dog walking, tennis, scrap booking, etc. Brian has been married to his wife Dr. Lisa Jones, for 35 years. Do you not want your parishioners to know the origins and authors of your modern theology? Is that your message? [2], On October 29, 2017, Don Wilson, CCV's founding pastor stepped down as Senior Pastor after 35 years at CCV. Bus Leaders In both places it is NOT just between the perp and victim. "CCV has drifted" you ask? He taught your 100 class years ago. As you know Don, just saying something is "Biblical" doesn't mean it is. You have attacked the Catholic Faith. For that is what God wills us all to do in the Great Commission (Matt 28:20). That is not right. Dear Don Wilson; Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com review: Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com - Dishonest unethical criminal :permits felon fraudster to fleece members, Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com - CCV staff permit criminal church member to defraud and steal from other members, Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com - followers, Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com - Pastor giving out personal info, Christ's Church of the Valley / CCVOnline.com reviews & complaints. Unless there is truth to what this Catholic apologist is telling us, that not a single Christian soul believed Don's theology before the Renaissance era. And after tons of notices! 214, Administrative Assistantalishal@ccvlive.com, Pastor of Adult Ministrieslisa@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Some would, some wouldn't. They would likely never set foot in a church again. I have only met you once at your 100 class years ago, and you seemed at the time a straight up guy. The Lutherans coined the term "Consubstantiation" in the 16th century and the Catholic Church coined the term "Transubstantiation" in the 11th century. HERE ARE THREE EXAMPLES AMONG MANY, OF YOUR MISREPRESENTATIONS OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY: That is good. 228, Bookkeeperrobinw@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Welcome to the fast-track of biblical training. Jude encourages us to confront ungodly and licentious living. . Larrie and Sheila Fraley - - CCV Lead Missions Pastor 4. David Corts has intimated to me that he wishes to believe as the Apostles taught the early Church, no matter where it leads him, I can only assume you do as well. Pastor Dave Stone of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky shocked his congregation when he recently announced he is stepping down as senior pastor next year . Birthplace: Noyon, France. for users like yourself. These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in Hold on to the good. Todd is a Senior Associate in Senior Leadership at Slingshot Group and he brings 25 years of ministry experience - in churches sized between 400 and 23,000. All a person has to do is make an accusation, then it's all about defending and trying desperately to exonerate yourself. Dave Stone, senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and his younger successor Kyle Idleman (Inset). Scripture tells us to: "Test everything. US street preacher arrested in London says speaking truth is now a ' hate crime': After facing arrest and detention for preaching that homosexuality is a sin, an American evangelist is warning that "things are getting very bad" in the United Kingdom and other Western countries, suggesting that the situation has deteriorated to the point . Our team is made up with highly trained individuals who have a united passion to see lives changed by the power of God's word. their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] version of Romans 13." 4 . I know you have visited the following site and read for yourself how the students of the Apostles taught Christ's early Church the very doctrines you tell your parishioners are apostate or UNBiblical. They have already pulled his previously recorded home default and auction documents off the website but I have them stored elsewhere for the newsmedia or church officials to review. List of Famous Pastors - Biographies, Timelines, Trivia & Life History cookies to gather anonymous site visitation data and marketing cookies to help us understand which Click here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for Protestant Theology: Is Catholicism Apostolic, name one doctrine that isn't, name one doctrine the early Church believed that the Catholic Faith no longer does. There is a case for the Catholic faith, but your church will never know of it, because of the distorted information you present to it about Catholic theology. The church has several campuses in Arizona. This is why the Holy Scriptures tell us to: Test everything. : APK ( , : Las Cruces First), : 15.11.0, : 62.96 MB, : Android 7.0+, : FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH LAS CRUCES NEW MEXICO, : io.echurch.lascrucesfirst Wrong Brenda. Again, I encourage your staff and congregation to "test everything" and consult the encyclopedia or any history book and find the first person in the history of the world, to teach the ideas and theology of Don Wilson. So now what? Senior Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley Greater Phoenix Area. IT APPEARS THAT THEY DID NOT DO ANY SUCH THING EVEN AFTER NUMEROUS CONTACTS AND PRODDINGS - SO THEY ARE LEGALLY LIABLE, BUT WORSE, BECAUSE THEY ANSWER TO A HIGHER AUTHORITY THAT JUST JUST THE LOCAL CRIMINAL OR CIVIL STATUTES, THEY HAVE FAILED FAR, FAR WORSE. Yes, the Maldonado's failed to pay what they had agreed to pay IN WRITING re their home loan FOR MANY Many months before they stiffed their lender, (that is US by the way, taxpayers, as we've guaranteed most of these loans), defaulted, and signed over their house to their lender who then scheduled the house for auction weeks later. The words of these men are not inspired, but they do tell us historically, along with the Bible how they believed in Christ's infant Church. Trip attendees click here. This all started when you attacked the Catholic faith. (I'll let you in on a little secret here: Not making a bad check good or offering to make payents after 1.5 years looks REAL, REAL bad for the check issuer - you know, like the issuer had bad intentions all along, like a felony). Pastor of 25,000 Member Megachurch Steps Down in Surprise - CBN News [4], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}334236N 1121230W / 33.710057N 112.208288W / 33.710057; -112.208288. Or read a law book. Why do you teach this falsehood? If not today, maybe tomorrow or the next. Prior to joining the CCV team, Mark was a Professor at Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, (1990-2012).