This potentially makes her a mixture of types 11 and 12, depending on how much of her past you're taking into account. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Though he's always been seen as one of Spider-Man's greatest foes, it should be noted that Eddie Brock is often in fact an anti-hero who outside of his vendetta with Spider-Man actually considers himself a protector of society and to his credit does know how to play the part fairly well. Well known true neutral characters from film or literature include: The Watchers (Marvel Comics), Horace Slughorn (Harry Potter), and Tom Bombadil (Lord of the Rings). Both of these types will tend to return the treatment they receive from others. Thing is though, Cage found that his conscience more often than not didn't allow him to act that way and he ultimately became more Neutral Good/Chaotic Good, including as a member of the New Avengers. The neutral evil character does not believe that one good turn deserves another, however. Sometimes this, depending on the episode. In this character's view, one's time will come when it is supposed to come, and no sooner or later. The Complete Druid's Handbook. By and large MJ just wants a calm, peaceful, normal life and though not a fan of the supervillains regularly criticizes Peter for being a superhero and typically opposes his being Spider-Man. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Player's Handbook. Trending pages Roleplaying as lawful neutral : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Trending pages Jolyne Cujoh Godzilla (MonsterVerse) Rouge the Bat Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) Sans Lara Croft Robots that do not come with an ethical system are also True Neutral (though this doesn't stop them having a personality). He's, V is also argued to be this alignment- not so much out of apathy but devotion to hir goals: Saving the world and gaining magical power. Martin himself has outright said that Tyrion is the most neutral character in the whole series. Where neutral good characters are altruistic, true neutral characters are interested in their own affairs. He helps the Rebel Alliance around the time of Empire Strikes Back, but more for money than ideology. D&D Alignments Explained: How To Actually Play True Neutral - TheGamer Dragon (#163). Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide. traveling with the good people and being courted by and eventually. However, they are usually found more associating with the horde due to past alliances with them, and are commonly seen working for the horde with their maintaining of the zeppelins they use for travel, not to mention the playable goblin faction of the Bilgewater Cartel joining the Horde in Cataclysm. Like C-3PO and Strider Hiryu above, he's in-between this and Good and like his friend Han ultimately starts to inch more into Chaotic Good territory. (2) Renaud, J.R. "Making law out of chaos." As such he has frequently antagonized and opposed various superheroes, but has also sometimes worked with them. Going by his dialogue in the game proper, it seems that the only things in this lad's head are a lot of air and one word: food. Another animal character, and believe it or not this one's NOT a Disney creation. Still, she's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Values his family, but will not heed their requests necessarily. For these reasons, being nature's mediators, true neutral characters should be diplomatic and tactful, but they may also come across as being strange and enigmatic until one gets to know them and their "world view" better. Whether it's yakuza or law enforcement, no one gets in Mugen's way. Many animal antagonists can be this, as long as they're acting like normal animals. Also, to the untrained eye, Sasuke seems to change alliances as often as he changes his wardrobe (the two actually seem to be somewhat connected anyway, Curiously, the Hidden Mist Village as well seemed to had transitioned to this. Like C-3PO and Strider Hiryu above, he's in-between this and Good and like his friend Han ultimately starts to inch more into Chaotic Good territory. It's also worth mentioning that shortly after Anakin won his freedom he gave Shimi hers. Outside of that he prefers to keep to himself and be alone. True neutral characters will not extend the olive branch in such situations and may take advantage of their enemy's weakness to protect themselves from further machinations. Also in Tolkein's mythos, and for the same reason no less, namely that they are pretty isolated and insist on remaining so. She once listened to a man explain to her how he killed a woman's family and then decided to become. As is the case with most animal characters. The "true" neutral looks upon all other alignments as facets of the system of many things. Equivalent alignment in other game systems: Neutral (Warhammer), Apathetic, Worldly, and Conformist (Alternity). Captain Perry appears to care the press more than the investigation of the Origami Killer. The Tomb kings are generally feared by many because of their undead natures, but most of the time, they just want to be left alone and have nothing to do with the wars of the living. If they can break a law which does not support their self-interest, and there is a good chance that they will not be caught breaking the law, true neutral characters may break laws. I personally don't come from that school of thought, but it's an argument I can sympathize with at least, so I'll ultimately judge Galactus to be in-between this and Neutral Evil. 10. Lawful Neutral - TV Tropes Honestly, given how one-note he is I seriously question if he can even be said to have any kind of personality at all. After the finale it can be seen that he keeps the same personality, but behaves in a much friendlier manner. They might talk a good game, but they just don't (or can't, or won't) commit to any cause for every long. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. If someone treats a true neutral character well, they can expect that character to treat them well. If you've got a problem with a character being listed here, it probably belongs on the discussion page. Most true neutral characters will, throughout their lives, tend more or less toward one of the other alignments, dependent upon their perception of the state of the world and what force should be balanced. True Neutral characters WILL pick a side if they are forced to, and usually side with good over evil (since the average person would rather have a good person looking after them than an evil one). Per being an incredibly powerful cosmic entity, Eternity generally prefers to stay out of the affairs of the rest of the universe altogether, and only gets involved in the absolute most dire of circumstances that he feels require his attention. This alignment is the narrowest in scope. While he can at times be genuinely cruel, he has also had moments of decency and kindness and by and large just wants to be left alone and have Spongebob and Patrick not bother him. Source of the page quote, though having said that he ultimately makes the transition to Neutral Good after seeing what Saruman has done and finally deciding to take action. where the nasty stuff happens somewhere out of sight or to someone the Neutral doesn't care about. Though she's a benign character in the movie adaptation, the original novel. Neutral good characters, on the other hand, will behave altruistically even when dealing with others who are not friends or relatives, and may even forgive enemies that have done them grievous harm in the past (provided their enemy has truly mended his ways). (2), True neutral is typically the most misunderstood of all alignments. Not to mention that Lizardman is shown to be just as willing to fight evil characters as he is good ones in the pursuit of his goal, and even defeats Nightmare at the end of his story mode. Dungeons & Dragons: 5 Best Things About Neutral Characters - TheGamer Well known true neutral characters from film or literature include: The Watchers (Marvel Comics), Horace Slughorn (Harry Potter), and Tom Bombadil (Lord of the Rings). But they do not set out to do good the way a good character does, nor do they set out to be cruel or callous the way an evil character does. And surprisingly often he decides in their favour, as a moral lesson to everyone. They're out for. A True Neutral is somebody whose first solution to any dilemma is 'what would a bear do?'. Peter Parker starts out as a Type 11 True Neutral, and continues to be this even after acquiring the special ability as, Most of John Anderton's temporary allies in, Captain Renault may be a better example. Given that she's in a way an extension of Roxas their sharing an alignment (and similar alignment transition) is fitting. Here are some possible adjectives describing true neutral characters: diplomatic, judgmental, enigmatic, aloof, distant, self-reliant, mediatory, even-handed, fair, indifferent, and impartial. Ergo, he is either this or Chaotic Neutral. I wouldn't go as far as to say he starts out evil though, making him more this alignment. With the exception of Gamora, all of the members of the team start out as this in the movie before Character Development sets in. In Injustice Gods Among Us, where he doesn't care who his opponent is and has no stake in the Regime/Insurgency conflict. The Guild of the Faceless Men's philosophy seems close enough of True Neutrality. A true neutral character may use poison as long as there is an overwhelming need. See Also Chaotic Neutral in Villains Wiki Trending pages Wednesday Addams Pochita Manjiro Sano Denji Joel Miller Deon Hart (I'm Not That Kind of Talent) Eric Cartman Sasuke Uchiha All items (1524) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U They're not particularly malevolent, but they ain't helping the Republic for any idealistic reasons either. He comes out of retirement every so often to face an unambiguous crisis, but beyond that he prefers to keep to himself. The Jade Green Giant sometimes transitions into this, as after all "he just wants to be left alone". 4 604 VOTES Hiei - Yu Yu Hakusho Photo: Sunrise The Oracle sells information to anyone who asks, to the best of his ability, whether it helps or hinders the OOTS. The neutral evil character will of course accept the altruistic generosity of others, and may even appear to return the favor on occasion. True Neutral Alignment: Meaning, Examples, Roleplaying Tips & More You decide. In Batman Arkham City where he is frankly not really that bad a guy. Later on in, The White Council of Wizards is also officially of this alignment. They do not wish ill on those they do not know, but they also do not care when they hear of evil befalling them. After getting Nora back for Mr. And much of it is a plot version of, He seems to work for the government, is sent to rescue a well-to-do in danger and, when it turns out she was taking part in orchestrating Death Watch, Jack may have struck her, but he notably didn't kill her (although he expressed regret at sparing her). However, they are prone to seeing actual Good alignments as zealotry, at least when they make demands of the Neutral except if the Neutral character in question is a self-acknowledged coward or similar and admits that there is a better way to live than how she actually does. Well she IS a baby after all, if not also a surprisingly and deceptively intelligent one. Rock, as of El Baile de los Muertos, has become this. Lawful neutral characters follow laws not only for their own self-interest, but also because they believe that one should always follow the law, even laws that run counter to self-interest. A true neutral government rarely influences the community. True neutral individuals do not lack interest, ambition, or passion--they value their own well-being and that of friends and loved ones. I find it incredibly helpful to look at some iconic examples from pop culture. THE mobile suit manufacturer in the UC-verse, they sell their products to anybody willing to pay for them, and often end up supplying multiple opposing factions in the same conflict. Which is the best? Usually settles into this. Much like Han Solo and Dash Rendar before him, Cade Skywalker pre-Character Development is a fairly self-centered and selfish individual, also being a bounty hunter. Also Therkla, who in one strip claims she's "fed up with good guys and bad guys" and just wants everyone to be safe. Dark Wizard: For your final test Slay this 'unaligned ant!'. Yes, he tries to kill Batmanafter Bats provokes and all but threatens him. At first, Greed seems like he's more chaotic evil than chaotic neutral - he's totally out for himself, and is more than willing to kill other people if it means amassing possessions. Neutral good and true neutral characters both believe that any means should be used to achieve desirable outcomes, but they disagree on exactly what types of outcomes are desirable. You shall help the needy if such action aids yourself. He will never kill for pleasure, only in self-defense or in the defense of others. As soon as the neutral evil character can benefit to a greater degree by betraying his benefactor, he will. The Orks are arguably type 5 also, all inevitably violent and bloodthirsty but when one particular Ork is strong enough to keep all the other Orks in line and become Warboss, they typically are able to form a "Waagh!" Unlike chaotic good characters, who care about bettering society and helping others, and chaotic evil characters who are all about causing misery, chaotic neutral characters don't really care if their actions help or hurt others. ", "I stick my neck out for nobody. These same reasons are among why they can easily refrain from taking any sides at all. Really he'd much rather prefer to just be simulating etiquette. An individual who is completely apathetic and ambivalent to the greater world and only gets involved because his girlfriend asked him to. They sometimes break the law, they sometimes follow it. start a war so terrible that would make both Earth and the space colonies give up war forever while giving up his own life in the process. 9. Obviously this doesn't stick and Han eventually makes the transition to Chaotic Good. In keeping with his being an animal character but besides that he is also noticeably more selfish than Aladdin. Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Bender. Thus, each aspect--evil and good, chaos and law--of things must be retained in balance to maintain the status quo; for things as they are cannot be improved upon except temporarily, and even then but superficially. Mostly he's just a sleaze, but not quite evil in my mind. However, true neutral characters prefer to follow the law, because usually it is in their best interest to follow laws. Just a dumb kid who flew too close to the sun. Goblins in general are of this alignment, neither favoring the Horde or the Alliance when selling their goods, and tend to mostly stay out of conflicts enough to profit them as much as possible. Seems like more of a "go with the flow" type character. Pure Goods can be Neutral good if they display no corrupting qualitiesand everything they do is for everyone's benefit and well-being (e.g. Kepachi is a warrior who lives for the thrill of battle. That is to say that in big conflicts between good and evil True Neutral characters try to remain well, neutral, as much as possible. Each thing exists as a part of the whole, one as a check or balance to the other, with life necessary for death, happiness for suffering, good for evil, order for chaos, and vice versa. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Many Byronic Heroes fit True Neutral as well. But outside of that he is chiefly out for his own and is very resistant to joining either the Rebellion or Darth Vader. His actions may seem cruel or random, as he can be kind and helpful and then vindictive the next moment, or worse, acts in a manner that he considers kind but is horrifically amoral from the point of view of a human. Not so much that he is bad or evil by any means, but at the same time it does make me more inclined to list him as this, in contrast to Aladdin's being more Neutral Good. 3. Category:True Neutral | Fictional Characters Wiki | Fandom The Jade Green Giant sometimes transitions into this, as after all "he just wants to be left alone". "What makes a man turn neutral? It's only as the game progresses that he begins to transition more to Neutral Good and then to Chaotic Neutral. They might help or hurt other people incidentally, but that's never the primary goal. Bad idea, that. Mugenis an anti-hero who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and kill when he deems it necessary - but he refuses to take down innocent people for no reason. The justice system in Ankh-Morpork is a somewhat haphazard affair. Neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances . So-called "good" is actually an idealistic and naive philosophy in their eyes. In the original Arabian Night, where his story is more akin to winning the lottery, rather than about a well-meaning underdog who stops the villain and saves the day. turns on you and Durandal when you're winning against the Pfhor. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they may or may not suffer the same inner conflict that a Lawful Good character would, and if they do, then perhaps not as seriously. The movie version played by Emma Stone on the other hand, is much more heroic, because she actively helps Spider-Man. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. If someone treats a neutral evil character well, they can only expect good treatment from that character as long as the current relationship offers the best advantage to him. 8. They simply live their lives, whether that means tearing down a code of laws, following a code of laws, creating an orderly society, causing the breakdown of some kinds of order, or staying away from society altogether. Also Wan Shi Tong from the great Library. For me, I feel that a big part of his character arc is the journey from this alignment to Neutral Good. 2. Despair is neutral (if not very pleasant for others) as she only cares about her work and hoping the family will be nice (although she is easily swayed by Desire). Like MJ Gwen's pretty unambitious in her goals and is generally content to just go with the flow. Sometimes known as the "Asshole Alignment" or "True Evil". Throughout the series, he was very clearly, In the Soul Society Arc, Mayuri Kurotsuchi is. The Witcher: Dungeons & Dragon Moral Alignments Of Main Characters Outside of that he prefers to keep to himself and be alone. Is not concerned with politics, most likely. A neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. In Dungeons & Dragons, players use something called moral alignment to determine the character's identity. Although the true neutral character does not believe that the law should be followed all of the time, neither do they believe that laws are completely useless. That is to say that in big conflicts between good and evil True Neutral characters try to remain well, neutral, as much as possible. Throrface 3 yr. ago. D&D Alignments Of My Hero Academia Characters - Game Rant Harry and Luccio actually engage in a bit of a debate on this in, Bob the Skull, who is explicitly a morally blanks slate defined by his current owner when they take possession of him. Like Roxas she starts out as this and honestly is this for most of the game before ultimately ending as Neutral Good. True Neutral: Characters who don't fall into either extreme. But they do not set out to do good the way a good character does, nor do they set out to be cruel or callous the way an evil character does. In Second Edition all True Neutral people were stated to be type 4, and the player's guide definition explains that they always side with the underdog, and sometimes swap sides when one is winning. Another admittedly controversial call. Since it has been stuck in a never-ending cycle, it has decided to make the boy the new Deadeus so that it can finally retire. In fact, since most humans are true neutral, it is the alignment of the majority of people encountered in day-to-day situations. After abandoning Dooku and the Separatists and undergoing some Character Development into a still selfish but nowhere near as malevolent bounty hunter. The Ten True Neutral Commandments 2. They tend to follow a morality of reciprocity, behaving altruistically toward benefactors and egoistically toward malefactors. Pages that don't do this will be subject to deletion, with or without explanation. The only motive she seems to have is that of protecting Sigil's existence. Any actions which seem good are merely actions which the neutral evil character has determined will give him a greater benefit in the future, often to the detriment of their benefactor. All-Powerful Bystander (They are Infinity Neutral due their Nature ). Chaotic neutral characters feel that true neutral characters limit themselves by paying lip service to laws and customs that they do not necessarily support. Absolute neutrality is the central or fulcrum position quite logically, as the neutral sees all other alignments as parts of a necessary whole. After getting Nora back for Mr. Krusty tends to be depicted as being pretty crooked and sleazy, but is also not without a sympathetic side and compared to the actions of say, Mr. Burns, Sideshow Bob, Snake, and others, his criminal acts are pretty tame. Warcraft III: For much of the game, Tyrande Whisperwind is a single-minded Lawful Neutral Action Girl. Dash essentially shows what Han Solo was pre character development, being a smuggler who is by no means evil but is also not terribly interested in being good either. Sasuke might lean more towards the side of good now, but entirely as a character, he's always been neutral. They might not care about good and evil; an evil lich and a band of heroes resurrecting a fallen ally are equally guilty in their eyes. A lot of people consider Galactus to be this, arguing that he's just doing what he needs to do to survive and is thus no more evil than a predator in the jungle. 643 votes Do they embody chaotic neutral? This can make for a particularly ruthless Wild Card character. The true neutral character wants to work within the law and will observe most customs and mores because it it in their best interest to do so. The Alignment System - Chaotic Neutral - Mugen is an anti-hero who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and kill when he deems it necessary - but he refuses to take down innocent people for no reason. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. Silly humanoids think the story revolves around them. True Neutral Anime Characters - True Neutral Fictional Characters - PDB App Some True Neutral characters are instead considering both sides (plus Black-and-White Morality) . Metron though has a very definite role as a mediator in the Cold War between Apokolips and New Genesis, which is dependant on both sides being, Just in case anyone doubts Namor's position as True Neutral, take this into account: he's a member of Professor X's Illuminati (good) and, It has been recently revealed in his own miniseries that Taskmaster was.