Blatantly, he thanked her, and continued on his way, passing by several rooms as he did so. btw, HERES THE DISCORD SERVER!! Our teams would face each other often. The room was dark, apart from the soft orange glow that his lamp gave off. Akaashi is dreaming and he sees bokuto in his dream and most ppl think this also. And I d-don't want you to See it all h-happen.". Dissociative disorders are mental disorders that involve experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. Akaashi sat in bed and wrapped a sheet around himself. "I wonder if Bokuto knows about all of this." He stared in Bokuto's direction, at him this time. Just then, as Akaashi bit down on the inside of his lower lip, he turned his head in time to catch a glimpse of Kenma lowering his head towards Bokuto. Akaashi managed to say, staring out into the distance. I loved this. Akaashi squirmed in discomfort. ", He cocked his head to the side. "How insensitive of me" He furrowed his brow, mentally scolding himself. He found himself unable to say anything else, figuring that Bokuto wouldn't have anything to say either, but he was wrong. Just what kind of guy was he? Taking the ball in his hands, Akaashi aimed for the approximate location as to where Bokuto would spike the ball. Akaashi didn't even have to see his face to know that Bokuto was beaming. It works for me as well. Keep it cool. When would he ever use it again? He strode to him quickly, cupping the already melting snow in his hands. ], [I guess. He knit his fingers together and kept his eyes down, anticipating when the first boom of thunder would sound. Three times, Bokuto jolted awake involuntarily, and three times, he covered his eyes with his forearm and heaved a quiet sigh. It still smelled like him. But he only swallowed and kept his composure, just as he'd been doing since the day he met Bokuto. Bokuto had his head turned away. "I'm fine now.". "It's nice to meet you, Kozume. Akaashi didn't want to bring up the fact that Bokuto probably would no longer possess the ability to walk by the time any snow did get a chance to fall, so he kept his mouth shut. Bokuto's head lay against Akaashi's shoulder. He seemed to be unfazed by many things, and blatant about others, blurting sentences out that didn't seem to have much thought behind them. "I would hope so." Bokuto blinked slowly. Other than those things, Bokuto found it nearly impossible to stomach anything else. It took some time, but he finally answered. Ktar Bokuto | Haiky!! Wiki | Fandom He looked down at Bokuto's phone. Your interest is always appreciated. He already knew. He'd scroll up, up, up until the first text, then would scroll all the way down again, waiting for the ellipse to appear on the lower left side of the screen. He wasn't too sure why. Bokuto doesn't do well with those", "Ah" Kuroo looked at the ceiling, as if he would be able to see the clouds from there. Kuroo spoke to him, and Akaashi listened and often responded. "Close your eyes for the time being." With barely an ounce of strength left, Bokuto pulled himself up a tad to get a better look outside. He was getting frustrated. I recommend everyone who has the heart for it, READ THIS FIC! "We were actually just talking about stepping outside. "I don't want to." He watched as Kuroo walked away, far enough for small details to become blurred. Akaashi took a shot at it. He found that speaking was taking much more energy than he thought. "Take a seat. Akaashi shrugged. Akaashi cast a weary look in Bokuto's direction, gave a nod, and continued on his way until he was out of the building. I'm taking you back." I don't think I've ever heard you laugh, or seen you smile for that matter. Slowly, he reached a hand out and closed it over the twitching one, his four fingers fitting into Bokuto's palm. "I've been cooped up in this place for too long. "You tremble when it's seventy degrees in the room. With his hand clinging to his neck, he slowly looked up to find that Akaashi was staring back at him with vacant eyes, void of all known emotion. "Insomnia." Bokuto didn't allow him to finish his sentence as he embraced Akaashi suddenly. Akaashi muttered. I think you'd better leave 'em both alone.". Akaashi sighed and lazily dragged his finger along the d-pad. "I'm very bad at measuring time now, too, if you haven't noticed. In minutes, the information desk was in his sights, and for the first time in forever, he'd actually gone to it. Same old, same old. Who originally wrote in another life Bokuaka? - He felt his heart rate accelerate, and his throat tightened as his vision blurred. Akaashi and Bokuto carried a sort of unspoken communication with each other. After several minutes, Akaashi closed his laptop and lay back on his bed. "Nope." Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. "Let's just go.". Stop asking already. Bokuto has round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks; certain sections of it are done up as if to vaguely conform to that of an animal, strongly amplifying the uncanny resemblance he bears to a horned owl. Bokuto's fingers touched at Akaashi's knuckles. Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. He was glad that Akaashi found company in him. Nov 3, 2020 - Read Fan art (2) from the story In another life bokuto x akaashi by bakutosbigbooty with 18,728 reads. I'm", "Don't." Not great, but alright. On that one hand, three fingers stuck out. It took a moment for Bokuto to focus on him. He almost couldn't find his voice, but when he did, he tried his best to keep it from shaking. He motioned for Bokuto to come closer. Guilt bubbled up within Akaashi's chest. Bokuto was afraid to wake Akaashi. Okay but if someone could explain to me the ending of In Another Life by littleluxray that would be very nice. In Another Life- Bokuto x Akaashi-Dreame I never said that I was.". Akaashi squeezed his hands together to keep them from shaking uncontrollably. He had to be. 3) Akaashi died in the end, and meets Bokuto in the afterlife. Bokuto quieted himself, curled up, and watched on as the movie started. Bokuto was very different from everyone else Akaashi had ever met before him. "He does. ", "Well, I brought it up, just as a suggestion, but then he got really excited." ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. ", Akaashi's eyes squinted to the words, and he leaned forward in shock. "I know that I'm unbearable. "I told you I would" He all but murmured against Bokuto's shoulder. Looking down swiftly, Akaashi's sights locked onto his hands. He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. He tried to hide his grin with his hand, but it was still visible from the gaps between his fingers. "Look at me, it's going to be fine." He stared down at the screen, his brow furrowing slightly. "Is your bed alright?" He instead continued to stare in Akaashi's direction with hopeful eyes. The title for the movie that Bokuto and Akaashi watched in the fanfic "In Another Life" is "Cloud Atlas". His eyes stared forward, uninterested in the information desk several meters from him. What is it?" Akaashi was at a loss for words. Are you feeling better?]. Akaashi knew that running probably wasn't the best thing that he should have been doing, but he said nothing about it. His hands twitched once, and he moved closer, leaning into Bokuto's touch. "You've been shivering. Things could be worse. Whenever we did, Kuroo and Bokuto would meet up afterwards and spend time together. I would like that. Sorry.]. so this is basically a bokuaka au where bokuto and akaashi meet at a hospital and bokuto has this disease which they haven't found a cure for yet. "So I guess I am pretty good at being funny. I haven't gone outside in days." To this, he shifted in closer and allowed his body to relax. His eyes lit up, intent on informing Bokuto, but when he turned his head to get a look at him, instead of being greeted by an over enthusiastic friend, he was presented with an unfazed expression upon Bokuto's weary face. Especially before certain volleyball matches." "Hey- hey!" At times, Bokuto would do nothing but lie there in bed, twitching back awake whenever his body tried so desperately to fall into the sleeping state that it once knew. Covid and farm animals: nine pandemics that changed the world Everyone came to an unspoken agreement after the one sentence. He just didn't want to accept it. He thought the video had gone by too quickly, but it had actually lasted a little under thirty seconds. "I was drowning." "You do? "You can sit anywhere." He said the name with a lack of interest to try and soften the blow, but Akaashi knew that no matter how he approached it, Bokuto would frown when he heard the name. He watched Bokuto with a wary gaze, unaware of what he was to say next. They shared another moment of silence, something that occurred more often than Akaashi would have liked. "What are you doing? He held his face against the corpse's neck, just beneath the jawline, breathing in all that was left of Bokuto. After that night, things had only gone downhill from then. I was just thinking." He laughed hard, or at least as hard as he could. Bokuto captured it all, and in no time, he found himself laughing too. In no time, Bokuto was standing in front of Akaashi, eager in every way to make it to the gymnasium. He nudged the bridge of his nose against the cool skin. He moved forward. His undivided attention was on Bokuto. The last thing he wanted to do was wake him up, so they lay in silence for minutes on end. "No, no, no, no-" He pulled away from the windowsill and ran out of his room, straight downstairs and to the front door. They sat heavily in the pit of his stomach, churning and pestering him, urging him to throw up. "No is my final answer." He took in a slow, deep breath and closed his eyes, and his eyebrows knit together for only a second. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. Akaashi placed it in between his fingers, and Bokuto retracted his hand to hold the biscuit snack against himself. Bokuto was elated. "Bokuto is starting to look less and less like his old self, too. There was that, and the fact that Akaashi couldn't help but find Bokuto's smile endearing, no matter how sickly he looked when he wore one. Bokuto's eyes stared forward with an engrossed gaze, his yellow hues taking a mental picture of what he probably would never see again. This entire past month hasn't been any different for him, though. There's no stopping you, is there? He wouldn't show this, but Kuroo's words had hit him harder than he could ever imagine. It took time for Akaashi's words to reach him, but when they finally did, his face lit up as he broke out in laughter. In the span of those three days, he had only acquired a little over four hours of sleep in total. You're probably just not an emotional person, and that's ok. It read: "If I knew those words I spoke a week ago would have been my last, I would have chosen them more carefully.". With what little strength he had left, Bokuto beamed. Bokuto's disembodied laughter rang throughout the garden, as if to prove Kenma right. Gazing up at Akaashi, Bokuto frowned and tried to form some words, but failed in the end. "Give me a break here." stardustcrusader28 i would have to research more about the disease, but bokuto was probably suffering all that day, slowly decaying more and more until he couldn't sustain himself anymore and passed away. "Why not? Bokuto turned his head to catch another look out the window. Yeah, he left the room. Juli 2022 . Akaashi was dumbfounded. The practice of. "They aren't really there." An 'It's alright,' could be heard from behind him, but it soon faded as Akaashi continued forward. It was moments like these that made Akaashi realize just how much of an innocent soul Bokuto really was. "I know you're fond of that movie." what disease did, bokuto have in another life. Another Life Ending, Aliens: Explained | Plot, Synopsis, Review Akaashi continued to read on. It was so weak and feeble, it could barely be heard, but it was there, and Akaashi could hear it, so that was enough for Bokuto. Bokuto's hallucinations had become such a part of him, that he thought the snow outside was just another mind trick. That familiar feeling of dread was rising from deep within him, something Akaashi wanted to forget. Get help and learn more about the design. Bokuto's arm unconsciously squeezed Akaashi closer to his side. ", "That's the same thing!" Are you alright?". He was wasting time, asking for something that he did not want in the least. The words echoed in Akaashi's head, as if they'd been spoken aloud. It almost looked as if he were asleep. Akaashi could feel a weak, ailing arm pull itself up to rest upon his shoulder. Whole. I was sobbing so hard at the end I legit thought I was going to pass out. So he didn't care anymore. Akaashi drew in a breath, but found that he couldn't say anything. Though is was delayed, Akaashi moved on instinct and sat near Kuroo. I would have Kenma say bye, too, but-" He turned his head to look around, "He left the room? However, he is initially listless and pessimistic about his operation, as he has no will to live, thinking . Without a voice, Bokuto couldn't keep up a conversation as well as he used to, no matter how hard he tried. "No. He glowered at nothing in particular. ", "Exactly, because you belong there!" [Nightmare? i was disappointed they didn't fricking kiss and bokuto's death is just the saddest thing in the world. Bokuto didn't respond. Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. "Keep doing what you're doing." Above, the clouds were dense, and they gathered quickly, casting a dark shroud over Akaashi's path. It felt strange, not falling asleep against Bokuto's body, but Akaashi knew that he would have to get used to this form of sleeping by his lonesome once again. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. A mere two minutes outside had turned into two hours. Short description of the movie (from Google): Six individuals belonging to different generations go on an emotional ride while exploring how human actions impact the lives of their loved ones in this ever-changing world. what disease did, bokuto have in another life Akaashi refused to have reacted to those moments, hoping to spare his visitor the embarrassment of him having seen that. Kuroo's the bigger one. "I am. left kudos on this work. "Why are you so fond of the snow, Bokuto?". "Fucking bullshit." He chuckles. He'd only spoken to Kuroo once before, and they barely exchanged any words. "All the people who've contracted this disease eventually die within a year or less" This part was read aloud. But that still doesn't make me a better person. It wasn't until Akaashi looked up from his laptop screen that he realized it was snowing heavily outside. It was small and measly, but there. It was the longest minute he'd ever been forced to sit through. After a moment, he finally spoke. ", "I'm" Kenma's lips puckered in thought. Bokuto asked aloud, finally pulling his hands from his hood pockets. It was the weakest sound Akaashi had ever heard. Kind of confusing, but good. Akaashi entered his room and shut the door behind Bokuto. Akaashi let out a half-assed grunt and continued to stare forward. Akaashi kicked his legs out of bed and strode to his window. He stood there, hesitant, uninterested, indifferent. He could still see Bokuto's hand, and it had frozen in place. Akaashi's parents were intent on having him intern in a hospital nearby, so that he could stockpile more things that would look . The tiny snowflakes deteriorated in the warmth of his palm, leaving a small puddle behind. As Akaashi said this, he held out an arm, as if readying himself for some sort of hug. He snorted in laughter. So they don't mind. What sat upon the screen was not what he thought it would be, but rather A simple compliment. 'Sleep well, Akaashi.' Akaashi stepped in and turned his head. Akaashi leaned over in his seat to move himself closer to Bokuto. Outside, the sky above grew dark as clouds rolled in. 15 jun. Bokuto smiled wide to those words. Bokuto mouthed an "Okay," before backing up several steps. He smoothed his thumb over Bokuto's knuckles. "What?" He answered blatantly. Why do I let him do this? I don't want to read them. He was only a blurred shape now, but Akaashi knew he was still there. Which makes this review sound negative, BUT!! masked singer uk season 1 reveals . "What?". He placed a hand on his broad back and rubbed gently, hoping to comfort him and to be the stronger of the two. It was then that he started to inaccurately press at words that he was trying to make out. If you wanna. Bokuto nodded frantically and forced himself to comply with Akaashi, as he always did. But as he thought of it, he figured he couldn't be blamed for it. He placed one hand on the windowsill and squeezed, his knuckles going white. Akaashi figured it was safe to say that Bokuto had already begun to pull Kenma back in. ], [I don't know any other way to put it. The day was exceptionally cold, but Akaashi was glad to know that the hospital's room provided enough heat to keep Bokuto from freezing over. When he had, however, instead of shutting his phone off and trying to force a few hours of sleep upon himself, Akaashi stared at the phone screen longingly, and read the last messages that were sent between them. Though he'd been dressed in normal, casual clothing, upon further examination, there was indeed something sickly about him. Akaashi frowned and left his phone screen alone to dim and blacken. He was obviously tired, showing signs of exhaustion with every small move he made. In its latest offering, 'Another Life', it has 'Battlestar Galactica' star, Katee Sackhoff, play the role of a woman who leads a team of astronauts into deep space to discover the . The disappointment in his voice was clear. Sho has navy blue/black hair and brown eyes. It's very good. "Thank you, Koutarou." Bokuto was such a strange one. He continued to stare on as he talked. Very much." "I don't want you to grow any m-more attached to me th-than y-you already are. Without hesitation, he ran across the court to retrieve the ball. Akaashi's asked in a leveled tone. With much effort, he sat up to look at Bokuto. Akaashi closed his eyes and sighed, swaying absentmindedly in his step, opening his eyes just in time to swiftly avoid colliding with someone. ", "Not to my knowledge. It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. Thick, white eyebrows raised above yellow hues. Akaashi heaved a sigh. They asked about the blanket and the scarf, but they never asked about Bokuto. His body jerked with each sob that was torn from him, his frame curling to bring himself closer. DID is usually caused by past trauma. The page loaded. "Fatal Familial Insomnia? "But why?" Standing still, Akaashi remained in place for quite some time, his legs refusing to carry him further. Use it.". This would have me to conclude that he had Bipolar 1, or possibly Cyclothymia Disorder, which has brief periods of mania and depression. "You seem a bit anxious." They go back a couple of years.". I read it about a month ago and I still haven't managed to explain the plot to someone without crying XD. Kuroo asked with a hushed tone. The sound of the palm of Bokuto's hand meeting the ball sounded much like an explosion. Akaashi's chortling had been dragged out for a few seconds longer before he, too, quieted down. ", "Don't think so. For every time Akaashi would witness this, his mind would repeat one phrase, whether he wanted to hear it or not. A sob wretched its way out from Akaashi's throat. A sugar replacement used in many stevia, monk-fruit, keto and other reduced-sugar products marketed for weight loss and diabetes has been linked to stroke, heart attack and early death, a new . If you love sci-fi shows, then there is one thing you have in common with Netflix.In the plethora of content that it releases every month, the streaming service seems especially invested in the sci-fi genre. Again, thank you! Bokuto gathered the navy blue blanket in his arms, and cautiously threw it around his shoulders. "The three hours!" At that moment, he turned away and walked off, feeling he wouldn't be able to leave if he'd lasted one more second in the room. He looked to the lower right corner of the screen. He pulled himself closer to Bokuto, and nudged his face into the warmth of his neck. sutton united average attendance; "Why did you stop so suddenly? He forced himself to stand after some time, tapping his fingers against his pants. Are you busy?". I hardly could read because of the tears in my eyes, everything was blurry. "Stop trying to act like this isn't such a big deal You may not think it is, but I" He paused and reached his arms out to get in another shove. Akaashi's tone was monotonous, but Kuroo didn't fail to detect the venom that lined each word prior to his last sentence. Thin lips pressed into an even thinner line. Very happy to have met you. This book was absolutely fantabulous. His breathing evened out and in no time, he could feel himself slipping, slowly, into the warm grasp of sleep, unable to resist. Akaashi eyeballed the small male for a long second, knowing that he wouldn't look up to catch him. His eyes where set forward. In no time, Akaashi is ready and prepared for school. An old friend." He walked home that day with a balled up blanket in his arms, a burgundy scarf around his neck, and nothing more from the hospital. Akaashi couldn't help but almost smile back, his lips barely twitching. ", "And then they'd turn my room upside down in an attempt to find me. Kuroo scratched the back of his head. Akaashi twisted his lips to the side and decided to bring up something else. ], [They think I'm interning. "If it isn't too much trouble, may I come over?". He drags you back in. Hesitating, he turned, pivoting on one foot to stare back at the small one who sat by his lonesome. He sighed. Akaashi looked down the hall. Akaashi watched as one of Bokuto's hands twitched involuntarily, and to his dismay, it wouldn't stop. lamar county tx property search 2 via de boleto He stared at Bokuto with his lips parted, as if he were going to speak, but ended up speechless. He didn't get up to alert the nurses, or the doctors, or anyone in the hospital. Sometimes I think I'm funny. My home is not a place for you to be right now. In the span of a little over a month, Bokuto had gone from a general one-hundred and fifty pounds to a mere ninety-seven pounds, last time they'd weighed him.