battlestar prometheus fanfiction

He isn't just talking about his son, either, or even Starbuck.--old fic from 2012, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1247), Battlestar Galactica - All Media Types (383), Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (1134), Lee "Apollo" Adama/Anastasia "Dee" Dualla (156), Laura Roslin/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (152), Leoben Conoy/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace (150), Karl "Helo" Agathon/Sharon "Athena" Agathon (144), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (178), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sharon "Boomer" Valerii/Original Male Character(s), Sharon "Boomer" Valerii/Original Female Character(s), Karl "Helo" Agathon/Sharon "Athena" Agathon, (Admiral | Prince | Professor) Fred MacManus | Raven Steals-the-Sun, Commander Themarellinor zh'Firra MacManus, Commander Stephanie "Stevie" Rogers MacManus, this is what the DMD comunnity calls a BJB, Anastasia "Dee" Dualla/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Lee "Apollo" Adama/Sam Anders/Anastasia "Dee" Dualla/Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Discussion of sedoretu but no actual sedoretu was harmed in the making of this fic, Sports and math as inarticulate metaphors for love, author apologizes for all the tags holy frak, since the original ending hurts me more every time i think about it, So Say We All - Battlestar Galactica Phrase, nothing on-page and mostly in the context of how selkie lore works, I mean canon-compliant angst it's BSG folks what are you expecting. A long talk to exorcise some demons. The Civilians stop in front of the Raptor, Jubilee Not!Boomer puts a hand on her pistol. As she gets out of her Viper, she is approached by James, who is looking very unhappy. Yeah, sorry Mr. Secretary, Alicia says. If theyd actually given these replacements their personalities and backstories from the comics, and not just done a search-and-replace on the games of BSG characters, then theyd have actually written a story that wasnt shit! This is definitely not [Insert BSG character here]! To do honor to the office of the President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, Xavier repeats. Its like Alicia is secretly one of those hive-mind aliens from Half Life 2 that have the weird electrical powers, or the old man from the ending for Mass Effect 3. Central questions of the show include: But the attack was really fucking sudden! I mean, just look at our current world, and how bigotry still exists regardless of any of the various civil rights movements of the 20th century! They kill the Viper squadron with missiles!!! She doesnt show it that often, Xavier says. For the most part, the story is set on the ship that shares the title of the fanfic, under the . Did I Make the Most of Loving You? This was written some time in 2009 (probably). As such, this. Fan fiction - Battlestar Wiki Daedalus | SGCommand | Fandom Towards the back of the crowd, Robert Kelly Not!Baltar is looking around nervously. Alicia nods and goes around, looking to see if there was a priest on board the Elysium. More reports coming in, 30 Battlestars have been confirmed lost in the Cylon attack Captain, is everything all right?. Athena (Battlestar Galactica 2003) Athena (the Lord of Kobol) Barista Doral. time. Thus, we have 'Battlestar Prometheus', a crossover with X-Men, which is 90% blatant plot . Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the canon you write in, retelling or changing the canonical universe to create an original story that stands on its own. There was no getting stuck, it was a faulty part. While they were fully organic, they were unable to survive on their own without the help of immobile machinery. Theyre honestly not that important to demand a name change. Now picking up 10 enemy fighters correction, 8 fighters., Raptor 259, hang back while we investigate, the CAG says. The launch tubes on Galactica are used to launch fighters in the same way as modern day aircraft carriers. In summary, please dont do this. Photoshop work featuring Kara & Leoben. Battlestar Prometheus | Library of the Damned URL: Battlestar Prometheus Then President Reimus offered me this position in his administration, the first President to have a Mutant as a member of his cabinent in 14 years, and I jumped at the opportunity.. Squadron of bogeys, Wait, clearing up interference, Sam says. Battlestar Wiki guidelines on non-canonical information restrict the creation of fan fiction-related articles. In the Miniseries, all Tyrol says they have to do is unplug the exhausts, reload the weapons with ammunition, and fuel them up. Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. A look at the time between the settlement on New Caprica and Founders Day. My mother would kill me for telling you this, but she once told me something, Alicia says. Report an Issue | Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. They began moving towards more organic designs, and created a large number of cybernetic hybrids. In the X-Men canon, mutants are highly feared by many members of society, or are treated with distaste. Yes sir, Sam says while Jubilee moves the ship off. Canon divergent. However, I make sure to. Set eighteen months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol The follows the Battlestar Prometheus and a small fleet on a quest to find the colony of the thirteenth tribe, Earth. An encyclopedia based on the Battlestar Galactica franchise that anyone can edit! December 2093 the Deep Space Vehicle Prometheus and its sleeping crew are closing in on their destination, mankind's origins. He isn't really talking about the missing one-third of the fleet. *Minh and Wade watch as Elysium jumps from Colonial One (Formally Colonial Heavy 798, later Colonial One, and definitely not The Elysium) and grabs the entire Viper, before pulling in into the ships airlock*. I mean, this random officer isnt even in the original. Maybe. The President's life is in jeopardy and it's only a matter of time until it's too late. Yes maam, an officer says, passing the message down to the hangar deck. Most Cylons assume them to be mad, although at least one line of models has an obsession with the Hybrids. Gods, what now he mutters, trying to re-activate his systems, he presses his wireless. Re-imagined Series definition: Battlestar Group (TRS: "Water"). Administrators and other contributors may deem it necessary (as appropriate to wiki policy and guidelines) to redirect, move, or delete fan fiction articles that appear elsewhere in the wiki without notifying the original contributor. Welcome to the Battlestar Galactica Wiki! However the explosion leaves the Viper damaged and left floating in space, but its pilot still alive. Various brief essays about Colonial culture, battle tactics and aliens. Any insight on who this Sean might be? With that, we come to the end of. That might work, if not for the fact that they are literally just the BSG characters, with a different name, and the author saying Look! And it keeps on Growing. Also, how does she know our Elysium? Adama isnt emotionless, hes one of the most caring and emotional people there is. Yes maam, Forge says, and starts working. But the attack was really fucking sudden! President Richard Adar, looking to secure his place in Colonial History, dispatches the newest and most powerful Colonial Battlestar, the Prometheus, under the command of Commander Jonathan Turner, on a long range exploration mission to seek out new worlds to colonize. All right, you all heard the message, Jubilee, Cannonball, I want you to keep an eye on DRADIS, let us know if you pick up anything, the CAG says. We also cover supplements, notably comics and novels, via our Separate Continuity policy. For this reason, contributors to Battlestar Wiki are reminded that any information found in these fan-fiction sites should not be added to canonical articles on the wiki. Any ammunition for her fighters was probably whatever the ship had left in supply. Internet - Chris Reyes ("Atolm") No. . Sometimes, she has a hard time showing her true feelings.. Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men Mr. Really? The battle over the planet had already been lost, they could see the wreckage of the Battlestars in defense of Caprica strewn over the system as they pushed their way to the planet to land. The Hybrids are also sentientor so it is assumed. Its regurgitation that forms the problem in so many crossovers that come through this library. Prometheus and Covenant are almost doing that to Alien as well. Broshure- Gears for Ship Building. List of Secondary and Escort Warship. The Battlestar Prometheus, although one of a kind, was still increasingly vital to the remnants of the colonial fleet. Unless one of those doors didnt open right or the catapult failed to function, I dont see any conceivable way that a Viper could get stuck in the launch tube. Of all the possible roles. It regurgitates, it bores, and it makes mistake after mistake after mistake. It makes my think meat hurt. Come explore the Universe of Battlestar Galactica. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. Battlestar Galactica (2003) / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes Now, in the original scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens. The Battlestar Galactica universes (Original Series and Re-imagined Series) have many fan fiction authors, games, and other media. There are no guns involved, only their missile launchers! Sorta. This is the Commander, prepare for combat, scramble Vipers, she says as the Cylons get closer and closer. CDF Battlestar Prometheus - BSG01 - Battlestar Galactica Fanclub Battlestar Prometheus is a series of short stories (30-35 pages in length) written in episodic form and laid out in ten episode arcs that we have called "Seasons". The original line of dialogue here states that they lost a third of the fleet. To do honor to the office of the President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, Irene says. I see Lt. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! +3 more. Enjoy that which was so limited on television due to network cancellation. Albeit with concessions made for the fact that theyre in space. Ryan has 'tipped the hat' to the SIM by refering in one episode to the Original Prometheus as the Fleet Training Vessel and to the C.D.F. The seventh is revealed in Season 3, and those models are the leaders of the humanoid Cylons, the Cavils. Uh, Elysium, I could use a hand over here, Alicia says kind of sheepishly. Nor does she have brown hair. Actually, thats not entirely fair. Takes place during the mini-series during this scene: Decommissioning Ceremony. That original content isnt even necessary or remotely important, just vaguely related dialogue or exposition. Yes maam, Logan says, hesitating for a moment and then he starts to work. Lt. Karl Helo Agathon is Boomers Electronic Combat Officer, or ECO. battlestar prometheus fanfiction of the total Battlestars in service? Also, they arent armed at all. . Well, thats my mother for you, Alicia chuckles. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Battlestar Prometheus was the first of the new Nova Class Battlestars (the most advanced warships ever created by Humanity) to be commissioned into the Colonial Fleet.The Prometheus was a historic ship, undertaking a number of historical accomplishments in her service including: the location of habitable worlds right for colonisation, the re-discovery of Kobol, first contact with another . They get killed off-screen, and are never seen in person. Shes floating. vv380. Comments: Dead Fic, unfortunately, and pretty short. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. So the intercom in this version is controlledby, Third off, the Catapults are old tech, but I dont see how that means anything. And a piece of advice from admiral Cain ;). Hes pretty much immune to the scared condition. Barring specific circumstances, of course. These ranged from machines that simply imitated organic beings, to hybrids between living tissue and machines. That was in confidence! Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. the plot with additional lore details and with a lot of details changed or entirely replaced. First off, they werent rebuilt; they just had ammo loaded, fuel tanks filled, and engines unplugged. If youre going to regurgitate, at least have the common decency to be consistent with your regurgitation. No, that is NOT what happens here. scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Proudly serving the community since 10th of March, 2005! This is an alternate universe of the cannon BSG 2003, so there will be changes/differences. With that, we come to the end of Battlestar Prometheus. And Roslin's plea for help entails more than just going to fetch Helo. It has recieved rave reviews from the likes of the Colonial Defenses Forces Fan Club and Richard Hatch, the actor who plays Tom Zarek in the new BSG series and who played Apollo in the original series of BSG. Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. If there is a need and relevant consensus for additional fan fiction-related articles, contributors are asked to create these as subarticles of this page. Quick, chew up some paper! Welcome to Battlestar Prometheus! The creation of the Co-Prosperity Sphere had a great influence on the 1940 Olympic games in Tokio. Location: 29 Palms/San Bernardino Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. Instead of ninety vessels (which I might add are not all Battlestars, some being support vessels, and others lightweight combat ships like cruisers) being the approximate size of the fleet,r RQoO has now made the fleet 120 ships strong. I doubt it, Marie says. I was thinking, we cant be the only ship out here, so we should start searching for more survivors, find some place to hide., Yes Mr. Secretary, Alicia says, and smirks at James as Xavier heads back to the cockpit. Re-imagined Series definition: slang for launch officer, responsible for deployment of craft from a battlestar (TRS: "Miniseries,Night1"), Re-imagined Series definition: a point in space behind which an accumulative error creeps into FTL jump calculations (TRS: "Miniseries", "Pegasus"). Along the way Prometheus make astonishing discoveries, including, an entire space fairing civilisation. So I one time heard about this BSG fanfic where the Colonial government has contingency plans after the Cylon attack and they have a backup fleet Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! My mother once told me that you opposed her joining the Colonial Fleet, Alicia says. They are propelled out of the tube via a catapult system, with no thrust from their engines. David Breidis: Art Work Designer, Creative Contributor. Its really annoying how Ruin Queen of Oblivion loves to regurgitate the plot of the BSG miniseries in an incoherent fashion, and then interject her own original content between the lines. Please, Ill pay you, get me off this planet, I have cubits! One of the civilians shouts. Gaeta is responsible for the DRADIS, not communications; and thus Forge is also not responsible for communications. Youre not willing to replace the Galacticas CAG (who I admit I struggle to remember the name of), but youre willing to replace a mentioned-only admiral who appears off-screen in two throwaway lines. Battlestar Wiki articles contain only official information, which include aired episode content, comments from official sources such as the writers, directors, and production companies of the show, and speculation and information deduced and supported by aired content or official sources. A proposta desta pesquisa estudar o atual the help those left behind to survive the long darkness following the destruction of the colonies! Starship Schematic Database - Colonial Capital Ships It can be about thinking up a whole new story in the same universe, with only a smattering of canonical characters. Last Engineer (Alien Series) - Works | Archive of Our Own Deploying swallows to intercept, Jubilee says, inputting commands and moves the Raptor, deploying the interceptors that collide with the missiles, the explosions however hit the Raptors drive pod. Battlestar Prometheus. What about the children? A womans voice calls out. At this point in the miniseries, the Colonials arent aware that the Cylons have infected the Command Navigational Program with a backdoor that allows them to infect computer systems with malware to shut down entire vessels. Hes the last person Id place in that role, and the last person Id expect to be scared of a mob of questions (not people, but questions, for some reason). Battlestar Galactica (2003) (6) The Hobbit - All Media Types (5) The A-Team (TV) (5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (4) Stargate Atlantis (3) In the living room, the daybook sat upon the mantle. How many people do you think we can fit aboard and still make orbit?. halo. The fic hasnt been updated since 2013, and this is the last chapter published. However one gets caught in the launch tube, piloted by Scott Summers who is not looking happy. Okay, I have a couple problems with this. Please tell me youre kidding.. Now we must endure this mopey Not!Apollo OC for longer than wed otherwise require! Battlestar Galactica's Multiverse I believe Lt. Assigned to the Fast Attack Wing, her standard mission has been to ferry equipment and personnel between Earth and Atlantis, assisting the Atlantis expedition as needed. The crowd is getting unruly, several of them start walking forward, trying to force their way on board the Raptor. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. Im not sure how an ancient unit of measurement is going to help, but Im also pretty sure the Cylons will never see it coming. Id say, three adults, Jubilee Not!Boomer says, Sam Not!Helo nods and grabs a flight manual and a marker. With every fiber of my being, Irene finishes. Every Basestar has a room somewhere at its core containing a Hybrid. Confirmed Renegade, The Captain says. During the events of the 1st Cylon War, the mechanical Cylons were constantly evolving and improving themselves. Adama isnt emotionless, hes one of the most caring and emotional people there is. To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. Author: It will remain a mystery until I decide its not a mystery anymore. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Eventually, she loses her internal battle against her nature, and shoots Admiral Adama in the heart, nearly killing him. Oh my God, I remember reading this fanfic before I started to write stories. and focuses heavily on Adama/Roslin. Anastasia Dualla. Mostly BSG 2003 canon typical elements, CWs provided for content atypical of the series. Battlestar Prometheus is a fanfiction crossing X-Men and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series written by Ruin Queen of Oblivion. As a purist of sorts, I think the quoted parts of the story should be, yknow, how the author wrote them. Battlestar Prometheus Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Gustavo Herrera. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. Ensign Grey, transmit a message to Admiral Abernathy, tell him that well be in position to meet up with the rest of the fleet as soon as we can get this ship armed, Marie says, getting a nod from Jean who starts inputting commands into her console. Its actually probably unfair to use Hotpoint here, since me and Minh both agree that XSGCOM turned out to be a decent story that the grammar dragged down, along with the regurgitation without change. In the CIC, the command crew is still working to find a munitions depot that would have been untouched by either colonial forces or the Cylons. The Other Twelve Part 1 | PDF | Post Apocalyptic Television - Scribd