captain marvel monologue

Vers: It wasn't Soh-Larr. like that, yeah, I'm gonna keep giving him all the love and hugs that he needs, right? Congrats to you, Starforce lady. Back then we had to get up so early, the Air Force still wasn't letting women fly combat, so testing Lawson's planes was our only shot at doing something that mattered. And everything we're after [A Skrull taps Vers in the center of her forehead, which changes an image on a screen]. Little moments. You do know why they call it a cockpit, don't you? I loved sporting his beautiful blue eyes. Quickly, the kettle begins to boil, blowing steam out and making a whistling noise]. It's me you see, isn't it? There was, however, a line that is very memorable from the actual film that you won't find in the script. Monica: Maybe I can fly up and meet you halfway. Nick Fury: I'm about five seconds from complicating that wall with some ugly-ass Skrull brains. Vers continues starting the pod and flys down to Earth. Carol Danvers: Big hero moment. Lawson: I've got to blow this engine before they find it. Vers (6-years-old): Did you see her? They think that she's cracked the code on light speed tech. Monica: Aunty Carol? They're covering up a billion dollar mistake. She vomits the Tesseract on the desk and starts grooming herself. Carol Danvers: She said she had lives to save. [The scene changes to Fury and Maria running through a corridor on the ship. Fury: You're saying he's not from around here? Yon-Rogg: My best friend. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: We don't carry identification on metal cards. In his monologue, Harrelson, 61, likened pharmaceutical companies to drug cartels, and quipped that they hatched a plot wherein they bought up media and politicians then forced the world to stay . He then decides to rename his project "The Avengers Initiative". Vers: That's no MIG, Lawson. [The Skrull scientists nods then looks down briefly, disappointed in himself]. Talos: We just want a home. Just do it, please. Security Checkpoint: Place your thumb on the pad. Come here. How'd that get in here? Maria then flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane, and everything returns to normal], [The view switches to the outside of the ship, showing the ship sitting in empty space with Earth below it]. How are you? Vers: You don't know me. Stop. The director of SHIELD then steps out of the passenger side door of the first car]. [Vers tries to walk off again, and Fury stops her]. Carol Danvers: Nick Fury: Carol Danvers: Vers: I'm saying that the last person to see them alive can probably tell us. No more mutants. Carol: Prepare for takeoff Lieutenant Trouble. You're under arrest. My mom. Got the ranks of full breed Colonel. Director: I want to question her alone. I guess that's not standard Kree operating procedure. Once Monica has left, Vers looks at the pictures again, pushing them around to better see ones underneath. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. Carol then gives Monica a thumbs up], [The scene then changes to the outside of the house, with Maria walking towards a car, with her parents inside. The floor has a hexagon lit up with white light. We'll know soon enough. [she laughs as he looks at her indignantly]. Huntsville, Alabama. Vers and Fury walk past a few aisles before stopping and turning into one. [The scene switches back to inside the Supreme Intelligence. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight earlier this month, Ant-Man star Paul Rudd, who appeared alongside Renner in 2016's Captain America: Civil War and 2019's Avengers: Endgame, said his co-star was doing "well". A venus fly trap. [checking her after the crash] Vers: This is gonna get a little awkward but I gotta ask. You know you're glowing, right? Or maybe I'll build a spaceship. [Wendy Lawson turns around and walks away]. Hidden. Carol Danvers: Fury: I guess he had a feeling, went with his gut against orders. Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? Scanner: Species: Human male. Vers walks from behind the counter and sits opposite Maria at the table]. Vers: That agent, that stopped the Skrulls from fighting us Fury: Coulson. 1. Take the Tesseract. Supreme Intelligence: Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. [chuckles] Zemo : How nice to find a flaw. Lawson: This isn't about fighting wars. Could I see some identification, please? But you won't succeed in changing the subject. You know that. You guys don't have any clue, do you? Maybe give you the 411 on the late-night drop box. Fury: So you think you're the pilot that went down with Dr Lawson. He then opens the lunchbox to find a soup container sitting inside]. No. No? Just remember the coordinates, okay? I mean, you're my science guy, right? He walks down the path and into a small house in the middle of the forest. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing. The least you can do is give me a smile. [moaning] Talos: I'm sorry I simmed your boss. Huh? I want to question her alone. Bail out! Yon-Rogg: It's causing you doubt, and doubt makes you vulnerable. Download the cards (15 pages total), print them out, cut in half and pass out at your workplace or during . What was Lawson doing with all this kid stuff? You wanted to race to base in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue 'cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. [Suddenly the doors to the lab open, and Yon-Rogg and his team walk through], [Fury draws his gun but Minn-Erva already has hers pointed directly towards him. Belgrade. Comics Guide: March 6-12, 2023 - Captain Comics It's too dangerous. The computer shows different images from her interrogation before it sparks and Vers removes the USB. Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) - Wikipedia (Fury looks towards Vers accusingly), [Vers stand up and walks towards the stove, where a pot of unboiled water sits on the stove. Guess he doesn't hate me yet. Just like Havana. That system is fallible, as we've learned. Talos: Follow my lead. Talos: She wanted you to help us find the core. Do you know anything about this? Suddenly a Skrull runs towards Talos and hugs himi]. Whatever he runs on, it's not on the periodic table. Nick Fury: Brie Larson's Guest Host Monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live Best known for playing the titular superhero in Marvel Studios ' Captain Marvel and her Academy Award winning role in Room, Brie. I always told you you'll be ready, the day you can knock me down as yourself. - Lytt til Captain Marvel and why you need criticism more than you know. Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. The Skrulls sim alien races to infiltrate and take over planets. Nice and clean. [reaching her hand out] The two of those are not related. Carol has just finished standing up after the pain in her neck]. You're right. [snickering] Vers: Does announcing your identity on clothing help with the covert part of your job. Prove you'renot a Skrull. Fury drops Goose], [Surprised look on Fury and Maria's faces]. ], [All spaceships launch the missiles towards Earth. Cool name for a cool cat. Young lady I have a special skill that kinda allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be. Talos: Play it cool. Fury: Light speed engine? Maybe give you the 4-1-1 on late night drop-bys. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie? We embraced you as our own. Vers (audio): Your laboratory? Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least. I thought we bypassed the battery. [Vers keeps looking before seeing the old lady. Fury then coughs and gestures towards a cup of tea, which is still steaming], [Talos begins singing loudly. Do you hear me? When she gestures for him to drop it, he raises his hands in surrender and returns the gun to its holster. Vers then holds out her hand, expecting Fury to give her something. She places a Skrull USB into the computer attached to her arm and looks through the file, containing information from her interrogation. Hold on. Supreme Intelligence: [Yon-Rogg continue to fight. Come on. Nice diversion. Go back right before this. [The fighting between Yon-Rogg and Carol continues. How long you plan to be in town? Where are they? Talos: General Talos (voiceover): Who is this person? Keller: [Agent Coulson rushes to the subway restroom responding to a distress call that a woman has been found injured there]. Talos: Yon-Rogg killed Mar-Vell. Brie Larson Jokes About Seeing Captain Marvel As A Chain-Smoking Old In one of the best "retorts" in the history of film, Samuel L. Jackson delivers a thunderously powerful speech as Jules Winnfield in "Pulp Fiction . Yon-Rogg: Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation. Vers: She's a scientist. It's still plugged in, it just it just stopped. [The screen of Carol's failures continues to play, until she suddenly drops, falling into nothingness until suddenly landing on the floor]. Come on! She turns on her communicator and calls Yon-Rogg. [Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left]. Carol Danvers: I mean, you're my science guy, right? She is revealed to be Talos' wife, Soren] Oh. I arrived on Hala, near dead, no memory That was six years ago. [over the loud music of piano] (Carol opens the lunchbox to reveal the Tesseract glowing inside) Take the Tesseract, leaving the lunchbox. Yon-Rogg is standing above Carol, about to attack her], [Carol then blasts some energy, causing her to fly upwards and Yon-Rogg to fly backward towards a wall]. Control your impulses. My life. She's coming with us. I see flashes. I don't even know who I am! The camera switches between Vers at the shopping strip and Yon-Rogg on the ship]. [While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear], Fury: You sat there and watched me play with tape? [Vers proceeds to walk away, but Fury stops her and shows him his I.D]. Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out. I'm no thief. Uh, Belfast. You're gonna give me the keys to your motorbike and your jacket, and I'm gonna let you keep your hand. I could go back to being your boss. Meanwhile, Minn-Erva starts shooting at the Quadjet and Maria barely dodges the bullets while flying through the desert. Yow! And what's your name, huh? You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. The Marvels new release date and poster and everything we - Tom's Guide You found my family. Once Vers removes Lawson's helmet, she notices something is wrong]. Is that why we never hung out? She replaces the green with bright red and the yellow replacing the grey stripes], [Monica presses the buttons again. Dr. Wendy Lawson: If you sit down, you listen to this, I assure you, it'll be worth your while. What are funny 1-2 minute monologues from Marvel movies? The core that powered it is in a remote location. Supreme Intelligence: And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. Carol enters coordinates on the computer.]. She then throws it in the air like a baseball and walks around the room, beginning to observe her surroundings]. Finish what Mar-Vell started. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. Yon-Rogg: Vers. If there were lives at stake, I would fly the plane. [Singing] Oh, yeah, wait a minute Mr. Postman. I'm offerin' to help you. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere too damn stubborn to die. Dr. Wendy Lawson: Your powers came from us. Stan Lee: So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing. For the good of all Kree! We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. [Once Soren noticed that Carol, Maria, and Fury are standing in the room, she tries to back away but Talos stops her]. Set within the confines of a British Army disciplinry camp at the conclusion of World War II, the 1965 prison drama The Hill tells the story of five soldiers convicted of various . [Carol drops the chip before flashing back to her absorbing the energy from the explosion before flashing back to the present day where the chip explodes off herneck like a bullet and she is released from the Supreme Intelligence, glowing and floating in the air. The "Strange New Worlds" in the show's subtitle comes from the original opening monologue of the 60s Star Trek television series. Vers: We're looking for a woman named Lawson. S.H.I.E.L.D. But technically, I don't remember that part. Carol Danvers: Do you have the thing? How about a smile for me, huh? Fury is leaning forward, placing his elbows on his knees while Vers is leaning back against the wall with her arms crossed.]. Carol holds her arm out to Monica, allowing her to change the colors. 10. [Referring to the front of the baseball cap that Fury has given her] Talos: That code was buried in his unconscious. Oh, what's hard is losing my best friend in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. I upgraded it. A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. Carol quickly escapes and runs towards the energy source. [Vers puts the cap on, and looks at Fury annoyed], [Vers takes off the flannel shirt hanging around her waist and throws it into the car. I need you to be the best version of yourself. The scene then changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg on the phone]. The lady escapes before changing into one of the men and walking into the next carriage and jumping onto the roof. Thanos's Intro In Avengers: Infinity War [teasing] Monica: Why? Excellent work, Nicholas. The cadets laugh behind her]. Come at once. Nick Fury: NEED BACKUP"], [Vers stands up and walks towards the door and tries opening it with her fingerprint, before walking across the room to look at a map of the facility. And I knew her as Lawson. It's killer by the way. What it's for? For emergencies only. Carol Danvers: Nick Fury: Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall, Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories, Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities, Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall, Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers", Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber, Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left, the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing, holding Goose out and watching Talos recoil, Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. As a quick and easy way to explore Steve's thoughts and feelings, Captain America's iconic inner monologues are an excellent narrative tool. The child comes willingly, and Talos leans down to get a better look at him]. Immediately, the engine bursts into blue and orange flames, causing Vers and Yon-Rogg to be thrown backward. [A policewoman steps forward to arrest Vers, however, Vers sees one of the Skrulls from the beach on a nearby rooftop and shoots an energy blast at them. How'd you get it? Should they reach him before we do, the intelligence he's acquired over three years is as good as theirs. 'Cause if there were, we would want to keep that to ourselves. I'll be back. General Talos: Yeah, its like a bad trip in there. Just Fury. [The camera follows the Kree sneaking towards the stronghold, amongst pillars of rock and mountains.]. [approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face] You're saying he's not from around here? Maria: Yup. They look around, trying to find a person to imitate. ], [Scene changes to outside of the house, where Monica gives Carol her leather jacket.]. I'll find Blockbuster girl. Carol Danvers: How's your eye? You tell me the second you get a signal. (Vers shuts her eyes, squeezing them shut) Don't fight it. Carol flies the spaceship into the laboratory and the four disembark the plane and begin walking through the corridors], [The four walk into a giant room, with the Tesseract sitting in the reactor on one side of the room. ], [The scene changes again, but the wires have disappeared and the walls have been replaced with an endless glossy floor. Yon-Rogg: Lawson: Me. Well, apart from me helping you, at least you can give me a smile. Testing for new aerospace tech is dangerous. Trust me-, [Vers lowers the script to see the the truest Avenger, who smiles at her. Talos: Am I supposed to guess where that is? Captain Marvel Granted incredible abilities when her body was infused with powers from an intergalactic race known as the Kree, Carol Danvers transformed from simply a brilliant Air Force pilot into one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. Assistance with short selling your home I always told you you'll be ready the day you can knock me down as yourself. | The franchise is produced by Marvel Studios. [Soh-Larr shocks Vers with a Skrull weapon, paralyzing her. [Monica shows Vers a photo of a young Vers standing next to her father]. You're under arrest. Vers: Congratulations Agent Fury. [The scene then changes to show Vers and Monica's planes taking off, before switching to a shot of Vers flying.]. You are smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass, and you were the most powerful person I knew. CVers: I don't remember my past. Nick Fury: [The scene changes again to the inside of a bar, with Vers sitting at a table with Maria and another pilot standing next to her]. Talos: [Wendy Lawson talks, however her voice is drowned out by General Talos' voiceover], [The camera pans down to the nametag on Wendy Lawson's shirt]. Just like we thought. Maria Rambeau: You've got to save them without me. Sound familiar? [The scene changes to the view through Minn-Erva's gun. Hey there. The lavish two-column format recalls Shakespeare's folios, and dozens of vibrant . Hold your position until we get there, keep your comms online so that we can contact you. This is the perfect spot for an ambush. [Yon-Rogg draws his gun and points it towards Vers]. We got a really complicated situation. Tom the Neighbor: Yon-Rogg: Alright, prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. [Yon-Rogg lets go of Vers' arm and they continue to spar. Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. It's a really hard thing to do. That was the location on the date of the crash six years ago. You look like somebody's disaffected niece. I saw you crush twenty of my best men with your hands bound. Talos: Physiologically, yeah. 14 of the Best Movie Monologues Ever | Backstage [suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. You don't remember anything? Vers: Last time we talked, I ended up hanging from my ankles. (Vers pulls the lever backwards, causing the plane to flip in the air. Carol: Keep singing. [Carol ejects herself from the plane, descends down to Earth, and shuts her eyes]. Samuel L. Jackson, "Pulp Fiction". Suddenly, a meowing sound can be heard from the back of the plane. Carol Danvers: She avoids most of them and absorbs the energy of the blasts that hit her. Carol: Get the Skrulls in the QuadJet and go. I saw the ruins on Torfa. Maria Rambeau: Goose likes you. That's what I'm saying. You're a good kitty. I've got to admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today. That's what makes Steve stand out among the rest of the powerful people. Good. During this fight, she manages to free herself from the restraints by blasting energy from her hands until they break. 44. General Talos: How about I tell you my secret? It could be you. Supreme Intelligence: Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Last person to see them both alive. Yon-Rogg: Minn-Erva, take them down on a dropship. Vers answers the door and stares unfriendly at Maria's neighbor, Tom]. [Carol runs forward and jumps to punch Lawson, however, her hand travels right through Lawson's skull. [to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers] Soh-Larr sent a warning signal, which we've intercepted, that his cover's blown. But the camera tilts to show a hole burnt through the roof, and Vers and Fury running along a corridor on the level above], [Vers and Fury turn a corner, and they are suddenly running up a flight of stairs however, Coulson is standing direclty above them with his gun drawn. Yon-Rogg: She absorbed its power. Nick Fury: Kree Star Force. [Vers and Fury then sprint out of the corridor before barricading the door behind them with a piece of metal. Nick Fury: It's stinging through my pelvic bone. Carol: Is that mine? When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. Talos: Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. Mommy, it's okay. Fury: Everybody calls me Fury. Yeah, but then I'd be sleeping. However, when Vers fires the other plane fires back). She grabs it, however, she loses grip and falls to the ground. Lawson: Yeah, but, uhhow's my hair? The plane following them als also speeds up to catch them. I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter. [Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall]. Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Medical Examiner: I wouldn't get too close there boss. Remember your training. Fury steps off and walks away while the Director stays in the elevator. Carol Danvers: Keep a close radius, we lose comms we meet back at the Helion. (referring to a shooting star which just passed by) It's Alouette. You have a mission. Talos: ], [Carol reaches her hand out to Yon-Rogg and he takes it. Yon-Rogg: No-one can look upon the Supreme Intelligence in its true form. Seems like your time on C-53 jogged the old memory. Dr. Wendy Lawson: You have no idea who I am. This is What If Peggy Carter got the super soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. Marvel Studios. Had a space invasion, big car chase. The stares, the judgement, and there's nothing I can do to change it, yet I'm still here. Maria Rambeau: She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. Oh, this is you when you were little, you didn't get along with your parents so Mom said we became your real family. Tentacle-like wires appear from below her feet and connect to her legs, arms, and head. Coulson: Understood. Talos: Carol, this is war. (Carol looks at the jacket sitting in Monica's lap. We. I think I got it. Yon-Rogg then walks up to her and points his gun at her face]. Host Woody Harrelson likens Pfizer and Moderna to DRUG CARTELS | Daily Vers: Here come some G's. Nick Fury: [Fury then tries to leave the room by placing his thumb on a scanner near the door. Flying around the city, smash it into everything in sight and everyone will see it! How 'bout a handshake? Let me get my fingerprint out. I found two dead, no green. [The camera changes to show a pool table. We embraced you as our own. 15 Most Powerful Versions Of Captain Marvel From The Comics - Screen Rant ; (to Thor) I think you're confusing peace with quiet. Carol Danvers: The ship containing Vers, Yon-Rogg and the other Kree follows after the missiles and crash lands in the sea. Talos: Didn't you used to do that? [The scene changes to show that the three Skrulls have also changed into surfers from the beach, however Talos and another are identical], [The scene changes back to the shopping strip, now in daylight. Maria Rambeau: Supreme Intelligence: We found you. Keller: [Once General Talos fires his weapon, the scene changes to Vers in a dogfight. [The scene changes back to the inside of the barn, with Talos, a Skrull scientist, Fury, Carol and Maria standing around a table]. Set in the mid-1990s, Captain Marvel(2019) follows Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, as she turns into one of the galaxy's mightiest heroes and joins Starforce, an elite Kree military team, before returning home with new questions about her past and identity when the Earth is caught in the center of an The camera is pointed towards the nose of a plane and the hangar door is opening. On the computer, the numbers continues to rise as the global death toll reaches 3.2 billion.]. Does, uh, announcing your identity On clothing help with the covert part of your job? Come on. Carol Danvers: Dr. Wendy Lawson: Yon-Rogg: That's why security here's so unfriendly. [Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana]. James Rhodes (Rhodey): Hey. Vers: The Skrulls messed with my mind. What do Skrulls want with Dr. Lawson? That was before I knew who you were. Not unlike the file I started on you. When you tell me yours? [Monica walks into the house and sees Maria standing next to Carol and Fury. Lawson is not cuckoo. Buckle up, folks. Yon-Rogg: Skrull ambush. The gadget glowed bright blue and caused Carol to lean back in an attempt to avoid it. Enough of your mind games! She was working on a unique energy core. Yon-Rogg: [The scene changes again to show a Vers and Maria's daughter lying in the grass outside Maria's house]. Static electricity out here's no joke. You have three names. Suddenly, a swarm of scared Skrulls appear from their hiding places. Nick Fury: Wendy Lawson: Goose likes you. 2. It is very dramatic and manipulative sounding, similar to listening to tales from a snake oil salesman. I'm trusting you not to eat me. Monica sits on the front step watching the encounter. [The scene suddenly changes back into the present day, outside of the study. You have a chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. Best World War Two Movies of the 1960s, Ranked [Goose suddenly scratches Fury in his left eye]. And you're going to give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? That's what I said. Yon-Rogg: What did you do to your uniform? Maybe a dozen. [as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman"]. Director: You said, that this thing looked like Coulson? We saved you. [The Supreme Intelligence stands up and begins dancing to the music]. Talos simmed him, even knew his code. [Maria looks towards Carol for help, but Carol is laughing at Maria's position. Do you copy? In addition to the other photos, there is one of her Air Force graduation, one of her squadron standing in front of a plane, one of her and Monica carving a pumpkin and another of Vers dressed as Janis Joplin]. The Skrull runs up the stairs, towards a train and transforms into an old lady who exits the train in front of him. CHARACTER SUMMARY: CAPTAIN MARVEL (Carol Danvers) - INSPIRING MONOLOGUE Nick Fury "There Was An Idea" The Avengers Initiative - YouTube I've finished collecting evidence. Do you folks mind? Trust me. I wonder why they terminated the project. [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. You tell me the second you get a signal. Carol jumps up to the platform and runs into the same old lady. That the Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the Tesseract? It's okay. Way before you could shoot fire from your fists. [Fury walks away, leaving the Director of SHIELD and the Medical Examiner with the dead Skrull]. Vers pick him up and places him on the console before Goose lies down]. Lieutenant Trouble. The scene cuts to Vers and Fury sitting in an office, both incredibly bored. Imposters who silently infiltrate, then take over our planets.