checkpoint operation failed could not initiate a checkpoint operation

This fixed the checkpoint problem. You need a Spiceworks account to {{action}}. I decided to let MS install the 22H2 build. Do you want to become a member of Altaro Dojo? While Standard checkpoints can recreate a specific state of a VM. The system account that Hyper-V is running must have read and write permissions for the folder containing virtual disks and snapshot files. Sometimes you may get errors when creating a new checkpoint or carrying out other checkpoint-related operations. Changes that the writer made to the writer components while handling the event will not be available to the requester. PHPSESSID - Preserves user session state across page requests. Permissions may be wrong in case you see an identifier instead of a group or user name while you check the folder properties. Try disabling production checkpoints for the VM. As a tradeoff, it retains the major configuration data of the virtual machine. An error Occurred while attempting to checkpoint the selected Virtual machine(s). this post, Post In crash consistent backups, the state is similar to a power off event. My comment will probably not be published because it is an altaro blog Lets discuss how our Support Engineers change the checkpoint architecture. Privacy In my case, while I was receiving the same error I did research for possible solutions they all seem great but seem like those solutions were sending me in a wild chase. There are about 49Gb worth of vhdx files for this VM on S2D vol, The avhdx files, presumably the first checkpoint is 10Gb. Local host name resolution is required for normal Check Point Security Gateway operation. If you have merged virtual disk files in the incorrect order or moved them out of their original location, you can correct it. This blog post explains possible reasons for the Hyper-V checkpoint operation failed error and other related errors. Re-enable checkpoints in Hyper-V Manager. Hyper-V Checkpoint Operation Failed Error: How to Clean Up Welcome to the Snap! The virtual machine is still in a read-only mode, thus the copied data is consistent. Completing virtual disk operations, such as expanding capacity, is not possible when you created checkpoints on that disk. If you do that, then you cannot use any of Hyper-Vs tools to clean up. Start with the easy things first and only try something harder if that doesnt work. this post, Post Nothing in VSS logs, VSS writers of host and guest report as stable and ok. A manual merge of the AVHDX files should almost be thelast thing that you try. Request a live demo by one of our engineers, See the full list of features, editions and prices. If you have a good backup or an export, then you cannot lose anything else except time. A failed backup workflow is usually the reason for that. | The errors that you get when you have an AVHDX with an invalid parent usually do not help you reach that conclusion. 12:52 PM You need to make sure that there are enough permissions to access the needed data by Hyper-V. An application consistent backup is of course always better since applications and services received a signal to prepare their data structures for live backup. Restore the virtual machine from backup. Privacy Hope you haven't tried this solution, because it might be the easiest and fastest way to fix the issue. This is needed for any technical issue before posting it to the R&D forums. Hyper-V checkpoint operation failed - Common causes and fix - Bobcares (Virtual machine ID 409F8A99-AFE7-480C-AEA2-95D5E90E9C1A), 'vm_name' could not initiate a checkpoint operation: %%2147754992 (0x800423F0). just for testing and contain no data). The A in AVHDX stands for automatic. See the causes of the issue and get effective fixes for it in this post. BackupChain is an all-in-one, reliable backup solution for Windows and Hyper-V that is more affordable than Veeam, Acronis, and Altaro. For backupping I use the software Veeam. Check the destination storage folder of your VMs. Users have found many causes for this issue. Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure. IDE - Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user. Wrong checkpoint architecture leading to operation failed error Another common reason for the failure is because of the wrong checkpoint architecture. The vmrs file for this VM is 67Gb There are about 49Gb worth of vhdx files for this VM on S2D vol That can cause parts of a checkpoint, often called lingering checkpoints, to remain. Each differencing disk (the AVHDXs) contains the FULL path of their parent. Join thousands of other IT pros and receive a weekly roundup email with the latest content & updates! (Virtual machine ID DD9D9847-7EFE-4195-852A-C34F71B15D5E) 'LINUX' could not initiate a checkpoint operation: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Another common reason for the failure is because of the wrong checkpoint architecture. I've rebooted the VM (backups are OK when it's off) but not the host yet. 3.Sometimes there is a problem with performing a backup. How to fix the issue Hyper-V checkpoint operation failed? The standard checkpoint deletion option may be unavailable in the Hyper-V manager. this post, Post If checkpointing in Hyper-V keeps failing, you could try another Microsoft application PowerShell. I think there is enough of disk space. I do not know how all pass-through disks or vSANs affect these processes? error=-N. (example: fwsyncn_connected: connection to failed. Finally, we apply the changes. Checkpoints cannot protect your data in case the original VM is corrupted. Cookie Settings, Discussions specific to the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor. You can remove all checkpoints on a host at once: If the script completes without error, you can verify in Hyper-V Manager that it successfully removed all checkpoints. by wishr Jul 24, 2019 9:56 am These are essential site cookies, used by the google reCAPTCHA. Check on any supporting tools that identify VMs by ID instead of name (like backup). [Main Instruction]An error occurred while attempting to checkpoint the selected virtual machine(s). In this example, the virtual disk files are stored in the D:\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks folder. The screenshot above shows the example of the log window. The problem is connected with a problem with performing a checkpoint of the VM. Edit Is Not Available Because Checkpoints Exist apply changes, ok and restarted and it was able to start again, and error was gone. Reliable Hyper-V Backup Solution from NAKIVO, Could not initiate a checkpoint operation, Incorrect permission settings for the folder containing snapshots, A Hyper-V VM moved from a different host improperly and without setting the required permissions. We initially, open Hyper-v manager and select the Virtual machine. PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-HealthFaultWARNING: There aren't any faults right now.PS C:\Windows\system32>. All of this just means that it cant find the parent disk. Try doing the following: - **Check the records about checkpoint creations in the Event Log**. You need to hear this. this post, Post The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Move the final VHDX(s) to a safe location. I do not know that anyone has ever determined the central cause of this problem. Listed here as an unsupported guest OS for DPM,and it appears to be Microsoft is trying to get rid of the old Windows Server OSes by making it impossible to back them up when running inside VMsat theVSS level. I do not know how pass-through disks or vSANs affect these processes. You also may not be able to edit these VM settings because a VM is running, and files are in use. So the error was the VM was not able to create a new checkpoint, therefore I test another vm to see if my host was able to create checkpoints and while that seem to work then it meant the problem was isolated. Try using the guidelines from the previous sections: check folder permissions, checkpoint and integration services settings. Spice (1) flag Report I added a "LocalAdmin" -- but didn't set the type to admin. An error Occurred while attempting to checkpoint the selected Virtual (Virtual machine ID 904A3358-78C3-4141-BFF5-5327AAF0E7A2) Checkpoint operation for 'S2022DC' was cancelled. Copy or move the merged VHDX file from step 2 back to its original location. Get the recovery checkpoint exact name with the command, Verify that the recovery checkpoint has been successfully deleted with the command. Sometimes, the traditional delete option is unavailable for a checkpoint in the Hyper-V Manager interface. Remove that .AVHDX file and then try to rerun the backup workflow or create a checkpoint once more. Checkpointing VM is necessary but it is still not good enough for recovering VM. In Event Viewer, you can find more detailed information about errors than in Hyper-V Manager. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. Then create a new VM with the same properties and use the check point .VHD file as the HDD. Required fields are marked *. If a snapshot was created by Hyper-V backup software, try to delete this lingering backup checkpoint in PowerShell: A checkpoint of recovery type is created. Change Hyper-V integration services, Open Hyper-V Manager > right-click the problematic VM > select Settings > in Management tab, click Integration Services > uncheck Backup (volume shadow copy) > click Apply. by mb1811 Jul 24, 2019 6:18 am A chain of checkpoints with several .AVHDX files linked to each other in the appropriate VM folder can be created if necessary. Enter to win a. I have ran into this before. [MERGED] Veeam B&R 9.5 Update 4.a (VM failed backups on Hyper-V OS 2019) - The process cannot access the file, rverhyperv, Re: Veeam B&R 9.5 Update 4.a (VM failed backups on Hyper-V OS 2019) - The process cannot access the file, [MERGED] Re: Veeam B&R 9.5 Update 4.a (VM failed backups on Hyper-V OS 2019) - The process cannot access the file, f=required, Re: Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint, [MERGED] Server 2016 VM backup/replication failure: Element Not Found, [MERGED] Windows 2012 standard DC checkpoint fails on 2016 Hyper-V, Re: Windows 2012 standard DC checkpoint fails on 2016 Hyper-V, [MERGED] VBR job failing while backing up Ubuntu VM on Hyper-V. You can see this error when attempting to edit the settings of a Hyper-V VMs virtual disk. Just for your information. make sure to choose ignore unmached ID. At least you should know. by wishr Sep 23, 2019 4:35 pm Any changes made on a virtual disk (that is, changed blocks) are recorded to an .AVHDX checkpoint file instead of being written to the parent .VHDX file. Read on to find out how to clean up after a failed checkpoint. by JRBeaver Oct 10, 2019 2:06 am It will only move active files. You may need to disable production checkpoints for the VM. Sometimes the checkpoint does not present aDelete option in Hyper-V Manager. 'OOS-TIR-FS1' could not initiate a checkpoint operation. by wishr Jul 05, 2019 8:29 am is an old but still existing Hyper-V bug seen on Windows Server 2012 R2 when backing up Hyper-V virtual machines with Windows Server 2003 guest operating systems. NAKIVO Blog > Hyper-V Administration and Backup > How to Fix the Error: Hyper-V Checkpoint Operation Failed. It is used to take snapshot to retain the state of the VM but sometimes might lead to data consistency issues. If the virtual machine is clustered, youll need to do this in. and was challenged. The problem is connected with a problem with performing a checkpoint of the VM. NID - Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. Keeping hardware IDs means that your applications that use them for licensing purposes will not trigger an activation event after you follow this method. thank you for your suggestion , I just want to add I was having the same issue and I could fix it by restarting hyperv v manager service and give permission again to replica folder for account used for snapshot. We initially, open Hyper-v manager and select the Virtual machine. Then, we select the Virtual machine settings. this post, Post The risk of data loss is about the same as method 5. Remove the restored virtual disks from the VM (see step 4 of Method 3). Since you have generally known the causes of this issue, you have the 12 detailed solutions to fix it. It becomes a lingering checkpoint. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sharing best practices for building any app with .NET. Hyper-V checkpoint is an easy option to save the existing state of a virtual machine. VBR is successfully backing up several Windows VM in the cluster but am unable to successfully backup the Ubuntu VM. error=-5). Click on the different category headings to find out more and change our default settings. Merge the files in their original location. Cause. Go to Hyper-V-Worker > Admin section and see events with the IDs 3280 and 18012. checkpoint operation failed could not initiate a checkpoint operation Integration services are up to date and functioning fine. Here are the typical problems causing those errors: These actions can help you figure out the reason and fix the error: Take a more detailed look at each fix below. Search "Service"on Windows or type services.msc. PostgreSQL vs MySQL: What Are the Differences and When to Use? The VSS writer for that service would fail upon trying to back it up. For instance. Some may speculate its a typical Microsoft attempt to motivate people to upgrade their old operating systems (XP, Server 2003). It will follow that up with a really unhelpful Property MaxInternalSize does not exist in class Msvm_VirtualHardDiskSettingData. In our case, the destination for those virtual disk files is D:\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks, and we need to ensure that the correct permissions are set for Hyper-V to access the required data. It sounds counter intuitive, but take another checkpoint. Errors that appear when you try to create a Hyper-V checkpoint may look as follows: The incorrect permissions configured for folders and files are usual reasons for such errors. After this, we start invoking manual processes. Apr 21 2021 If you see the Hyper-V checkpoint operation failed error, try to change the checkpoint type to standard checkpoints. If there is no backup running, there shouldnt be a file called {name of VHDX}-AutoRecovery.avhdx. In the previously mentioned scenario with lingering checkpoints, the most reliable method to delete the backup checkpoint is using PowerShell: Another error related to creating Hyper-V checkpoints is Could not initiate a checkpoint operation: Element not found. I put this part of the article near the end for a reason. Not a support forum! Path Too Long? how to pass the achiever test; macavity: the mystery cat analysis I have worked in the information technology field since 1998. This method presents a moderate risk of data loss. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, then use Storage Migration to move the VM elsewhere. Hyper-V Backup Error: Could not initiate a checkpoint operation Update 2018 #2: Yet another bug in Hyper-V on Windows Server 2016 has surfaced. Select all. That means CPU, memory, network, disk, file location settings everything. Check the records about checkpoint creations in the Event Log. Solved it, used the move option to move the VM's storage to another folder, must have been some seriously messed up permissions somewhere ;). You could also check whether checkpoint is disabled in this way. NAKIVO can contact me by email to promote their products and services. Delete this .AVHDX file and try to create a checkpoint or run the backup job again. V-79-40960-38691 - Backup Exec cannot create a recovery checkpoint for the 'ZAK-MAHEN' virtual machine. Full Synchronization issues on cluster member - Check Point Software After the copy is done, the original VMs .vhdx file and the recovery checkpoint .AVHDX file are merged. Hi Team, NAKIVO Backup & Replication is a comprehensive data protection solution with advanced features that provides agentless backup, instant recovery and disaster recovery. The possibilities below were found prior to Windows Server 2016 but sometimes still apply for Server 2016 on some systems: Please note: If youre not already a member on the Dojo Forums you will create a new account and receive an activation email. It was due to the Message Queuing Service on the guest. Repeat until you only have the root VHDX left. December 13, 2022. One of the cool features of Hyper-V is checkpoints. The only odd thing about this VM is it has a load of .vmgs files (4097kb each) in its Snapshots folder, each with a correspondingly named empty folder. These seem to relate to times and dates of recent checkpoints/replication events. We use this method to give Hyper-V one final chance to rethink the error of its ways. See also Checkpoint operation was cancelled. I would not use this tool. Change the type of checkpoint by selecting the appropriate option (change. gdpr[allowed_cookies] - Used to store user allowed cookies. this post, Post Sometimes the error "could not create backup checkpoint for virtual machine" is due to permissions and one more strange Microsoft limitation: If not. (0x80070490)* There can be several reasons why it occurs: when file permissions are wrong or due to the internal VM issues related to the VSS writer. Access the VMs settings page and record every detail that you can from every property sheet. Download NAKIVO Backup & Replication free edition and try the solution in your environment. How could I fix it?. 10 Total Steps TrinityApp could not initiate a checkpoint operation Could not create auto virtual hard disk E:\TrinityApp\TRINITAPP_E932BF12-4006-BA72-D6683D502454.avhdx: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another Process. Backup solutions can perform the following actions to create a VM backup: The recovery checkpoint turns into a lingering checkpoint when automatic deletion doesnt happen due to a failed backup process. This option is widely used before making any changes to VM. Uninstalling and reinstalling it resolved my inability to backup the 2012 R2 VM. Open Hyper-V Manager > right-click the problematic VM > select Settings > in Management tab, select Checkpoints > uncheck Enable checkpoints > click Apply > re-enable checkpoints > click Apply. Just for your information. I honestly just felt like deleting my VM and re starting it if anything (my HV Vm is The operation ends up with above errors. 'OOS-TIR-FS1' could not initiate a checkpoint operation. Running 'cpconfig' command shows: cpinst Error: Host name resolution for HOSTNAME failed. Also, weve discussed how our Support Engineers change the required setting to resolve the error. [Expanded Information] Checkpoint operation for 'S2022DC' failed. If possible, back up your virtual machine. elevated command prompt, the commands wont work in powershell. Find your faulty device in the list, right-click it, and select Update driver. An error occurred while attempting to start the selected virtual machine (s). In the properties, select Integration Services. _gat - Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate _gid - Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how you use the website. 2.Sometimes two VMs shows up on Hyper-V host with the same name, one is On and one is Off (one must be removed). In the next section, well explain the nature of the Hyper-V checkpoint operation failed error when it occurs after running Hyper-V VM backup jobs and methods to fix this error. However, the checkpoint can only be deleted or cleaned up via Windows PowerShell if the backup operation fails. Update 2018: A new bug in Hyper-V 2016 (on Windows Server 2016) corrupts file access permissions of your VM folders. Production checkpoints are used by default in Hyper-V. Check if your guest operating system (OS) has Hyper-V Integration Services installed. without takingsnapshot of the virtual machine memory state.