rougarou sightings in louisiana

The neighbor then said he saw an 8 foot tall creature standing on two legs. Aside from snakes and alligators, there are lots of predators and other scary things living there. The next day Mr. Nameless, his older brother, and a mutual friend went ride back out to Peavine. Required fields are marked *. The Rougarou has a varied history, though all variations seem to trace it back to the French. Honey Island Swamp Monster At this point, the beast is forced to retreat as its human form begins to resurface. If you thought voodoo was a thing of the past, think again! Its essentially a werewolf with a cajun spin on it. The Legend of the Louisiana Swamp Werewolf Known as the Rougarou, or sometimes as the Loup-Garou This Legend is said that the creature has prowled for hundreds of years in the swamps Show more. Its fingernails are grisly claws. The rougarou (or loup-garou) is a monster from Cajun folklore. They are a defining characteristic of Louisiana culture and make the state a truly unique place to live. It was getting late so I was heading back to my dads house for the evening. Another telling of the story says that the Rougarou is under a 101-day curse, unless the affected person can transfer the curse to another human being. No, you dont become a Rougarou from a bite or scratch, or from losing a bet. Official Blog of Pelican State Credit Union. Outside of the infamous Honey Island Swamp Monster, there were not many stories that I found in my preliminary search. Is there a Louisiana werewolf? One day her husband was walking back from his shop in the backyard, and was pretty shook up over what he witnessed. In an interview conducted by Carter Buschardt, the officer stated that he went back to look at the end of shift report he filed the night of the encounter, but was unable to find the report. Theres a howl in the near distance. Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. She says a local boy was being followed by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. A 1981 report bywriter Jerry Breaux pulled from The Advocate archives recalls a conversation the writer had with his long-time friend, Hubert. This continued for 15 minutes until the sound started to travel away. Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Not in the Pacific Northwest, but right there in Laplace! It sounds like a wolf, but somethings a little off. Bears can stand up and run on their hind legs, whereas, wolves cannot. Legends of the Rougarou. The student claimed it was the exact same sounds they heard during their encounter. The French actually have a similar story of the Loup-garou. The article does not specify if this happened in the same area that he and his friend found the large footprints. You can find information on the legend of Cauchemar in folklore from all around the world, and it even exists in the Deep South. In the late summer of the early 90's (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. This creature, also called Loup garou, is so popular it was depicted on the hit television series Supernatural. Dragons, once the ultimate test of a heros courage, have been effectively domesticated. Thanks for sharing it with us! Thats no werewolf, though. The Rougarou, or as others may say, Loup garou, is a bayou-dwelling werewolf. Upright Canine (Possible 'Rougarou') Encountered in Beauregard Parish A story in The Nicholls Worth, a local college paper, titled "Rougarou Remains Strong Figure in Cajun Folklore," recounts a story from a woman about an experience in her youth. The brave friend stated that something in her mind told her to look ahead. Local sanitation workers have supposedly reported seeing them raiding garbage cans or chasing trucks. Legend says that the Rougarou will hunt these individuals down and suck their blood, feeding on their energy for up to 101 days. The Sinister Story Behind This Popular Louisiana Swamp Will Give You My Encounter With a Rougarou "aka Louisiana Werewolf" : cryptids - reddit Apparently that was a thing they did back then. After Ford's death, a grainy film reel was found in his attic that shows a large and hairy figure shuffling upright between the trees. It was near 2am and both parties were hesitant to walk to the car to retrieve the purse. Who knows what it is? Audobon's website also has Rougarou t-shirts for sale. I dont remember verbatim what he told me that day but the gist of that conversation has stuck in my psyche with clarity for nearly 30 years. The brave friend dismissed what she saw for a moment and continued to search for the purse in the dark. Mr. Nameless wasnt sure what he saw, but I was convinced. The Loupe Garou has to be based on stories told by parents wanting there children to behave and make there beds clean the dishes ect ect. The human animal sobbing sounds were also accompanied by the snapping of branches and the crackling of leaves that gave the impression of something large moving through the woods. This was a deep dense pine forest with rolling Knolls and the occasion small marsh(bayou). I used to have nightmares including the Rougarou as a kid and seeing this is crazy that its something based on my home state. The only credibility I can give to these reports is that they ran in the paper. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! The sound of human cries in the woods is a theme directly from faire lore. No purchase necessary. A spell that as you will soon find out is not that easy to break. People who didnt have a lot of physical or social power in society found a way to survive through being clever., Even Louisianas infamous and very real alligators have undergone a rebranding. I suppose anything is possible, and while the Bigfoot sighting phenomena originated in the Pacific Northwest, it seems more than plausible that such a creature could exist here. However, according to other accounts, there is no escape from the curse. Their curse usually comes from a local witch, sometimes a Voodoo priestess. Frogs croak their songs in the distance and mosquitos buzz as they fly around looking for their next meal. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Rougaroux Rum, manufactured by donner-peltier distillers in Thibodaux, Louisiana, has a special praline-flavored version called Rougaroux 13 Pennies. It was late in the evening and getting dark, so they could not see into the bush. Its rumored that Lutins can take any form, including cats (especially white ones), hobgoblins, elves, and other strange creatures. And then I realized that is what I saw! Since Cajun dialect is a mix of French and English and well-known for changing words completely to roll off the tongue easier, the name of the beast changed from loup-garou to Rougarou (also spelled roux-ga-roux, rugaroo, or rugaru). More than a millennium ago, vampires were demonic vectors of disease, possibly reflecting the very real threat of rabies. For the sake of anonymity this family friend will remain nameless, so I will refer to him as Mr. Nameless. When many of the French migrated to Canada and the southern United States, they took the legend of the loup-garou with them. The student waited 5 more minutes to see if the sounds would return but the encounter was over. Out of the shaking bush came a large hairy arm, grabbed a handful of leaves then went back in. Is there really a Honey Island Swamp Monster, Louisiana's Bigfoot However embracing legends, customs and tradition is the very foundation of culture. We cant make this stuff up. I spent a couple summers in Sabine Parish out on North Fort Fort Polk on a tract of ground called Peason Ridge(Little Nam). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have successfully subscribed to the PeachTown newsletter. I came across a LObservateur article that ran around Halloween 2002, titled: Let the haunting good times roll. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. In the late summer of the early 90s (actual year up for debate), I was riding my bike. The creature was black, hairy, and walking upright on two legs. Southeast Louisiana Bigfoot Sightings - Rougarou's Cursed blog We may never really find out.. If you dont have the stomach to fight the beast, you can protect yourself through other means. These canine-humanoid shapeshifters travel between worlds using magical doors. There has been some dispute about whether or not this myth is actually related to the French Louisiana Rougarou legends. The Rougarou Fest Is The Spookiest Festival In Louisiana - OnlyInYourState Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). In one version, the beast hunts down and kills anyone who doesnt follow the rules of Lent. A year later the boy killed himself and left a letter that the family turned over to the sheriff. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Countrys answer to Bigfoot. Mr. Nameless is still is not 100% sure what he saw that evening down Peavine Road, but from time to time he still thinks, and wonders what that large dark figure that crossed his path could be. But for decades, hes wondered about one of the swamp's fabled creatures the Honey Island Swamp Monster, a legendary 500-pound beast that some claim hides amid the cypress trees andmurky waters. Here's what health officials, restaurants say. Rougarou Sightings According to a lady from Louisiana, a local child was being chased by a dog when he decided to cut it with his pocketknife. That is if we are to believe that these creatures are flesh and blood biological entities. The Caribbean island nation of Haiti, already steeped in the dark lore of zombies and voodoo magic, also has its own version of the infamous werewolf, which they call the je-rouges, or "red eyes." It is also referred to it as the French loup-garou and by the Creole word lougarou. Your email address will not be published. Discover the secrets of Louisiana lifestyle and explore Ruston, home of the Peach Festival. Its popularity has seen it placed on shirts, mugs, in Hollywood and even seen roller coasters named after it. But you should 100% be on the lookout for alligators if you find yourself in the swamps at night. According to the woman, "The next day a prominent physician appeared in town with his right arm cut and in a sling. Despite being a monster of legends, just like its cousin the werewolf, the Rougarou has its weakness. For instance, there is a legend that says placing 13 pennies at entrances you wish to protect is the way to go. The story of the Rougarou supposedly changed once French immigrantsor possibly also French-Canadian immigrantscame to live in the area that is now Louisiana. In another variation of the story, the half man half wolf monster targets and kills Catholics that have failed to follow the rules of Lent. It was a fall evening and this student was walking on a road in back of the property that borders cow pastures and piney woods. The basic tale of Rougarou is one of a half man, half wolf that prowls the Louisiana swamps, looking for Catholics that have broken Lent or broken Catholic rules in other ways. Oh wow that sounds like an interested read, Bill! 9 REAL Sightings of the Rougarou | Darkness Prevails - YouTube Where can you find a Rougarou? The bright lights of the stars flicker in the murky licks of the waves near the towering, ominous Cypress trees. In some cases, they are your loved ones coming to greet you and bring good fortune. The plantation's most popular (and yet to be debunked) encounter is the apparition of a young . On a moonless night those are the darkest woods Ive ever trekked through.that includes the Black Forest, Mark Twain National Forest Missouri, the hills of West Virginia, and the Pine Flats in New Jersey. The Rougarou has also been tied to the story of the Deridder Roadkill. The seminary student continued to stand still to observe further when the creature started to pace back in fourth just out of sight, beyond the tree line, all why still producing the strange whimpers. The sounds stopped just before it would have broke the tree line and became visible. According to Native American legends, theres a creature in Terrebonne Parish that is the spirit of a child reincarnated as a beast. Email Joni Hess at Over the decades, numerous people have talked of an ape-like creature or creatures living in swamps. The creature is only vaguely seen in the film with a head resembling a bear. It will begin to recount the pennies, continuously perplexed as it encounters the number 13, until sunrise. I think its fascinating,'' said Brettel. It was getting late so I was heading back to my dad's house for the evening. An eye-opening journey through the history, culture, and places of the culinary world. When faced with a supernatural beast that has superhuman strength, speed, and sharp claws and teeth, chances are you wouldnt be feeling very lucky. In closing Ive always considered Yeti to be more of a possibility than a werewolf. 1990-1992 (early 90s) St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. The anonyms Laplace man said he was out near Ruddock with a friend, they were clearing land with a bulldozer when they came across footprints in the mud that were at least 19 inches in length. Even the act of self-defense could be life-altering. That kind of transformation happens and I suspect that whats going on with this festival., But unlike sexy vampires or friendly alligators, Forets rougarou has been reimagined to champion a specific cause: protecting its habitat, which in turn will protect our own. The legend is believed to have originated from French Canadian immigrants in the late 1700's. There are hundreds of light . During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. For centuries, if you didnt follow Catholic traditions, such as observing Lent, or if you hunted on holy days, the rougarou would get you. The officer reported that the creature crossed a 22 foot wide street in three strides. Let us know in the comments below! [10] [11] Boxer Regis Prograis (of Creole descent) goes by the nickname Rougarou. The story of the Letieche is Louisianas Jungle Book. Louisiana Werewolf: Rougarou of the Bayou - Exemplore In this article, were going to highlight the top 9 Louisiana monsters from folklore and legends. You have permission to edit this article. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. Despite the Rougarou legend seemingly beginning as a way to scare Catholics and children, many locals maintain its existence and have their own personal stories, especially among the older generation. Crafty. Once the girl was halfway to the vehicle she noticed her friend was still standing at the front door of the house. When the first drop of blood is drawn, the creature returns to human form and tells the attacker who it really is. Other more out there schools of thought would suggest that these creatures or of a different origin, Alien, Spirit, even faerie. At the time of the encounter the officer had no working knowledge of Bigfoot or sasquatch, but having a degree in anthropology left no doubt in the officers mind what he saw was most defiantly not a large, naked, human being. In this version, the Rougarou would live life as a normal person until some event occurred that triggered their condition. It now craves human flesh and overturns small boats to devour and feast! This terrifying creature has evolved over millenniabut never lost the need to feed. Click the image below to read our free eBook "The Big Book of Credit Union MythsBUSTED! Rougarou the Louisiana Monster Werewolf - Any Mystery The only way to arrive at the truth is to keep your mind open to weirdness. And speaking of scaring Catholics, one French Catholic myth claims that in order for someone to turn into a Rougarou, they must break Lent seven years in a row. Louisiana has a Nightmare on Bourbon Street situation going on that some arent aware of. He let his mind wander. Childrens authors have started using alligators as characters. It ended up passing within 15 yards of Mr. Klibert. The Rougarou, The Louisiana Swamp Werewolf - YouTube document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with USA Today ranked the Rougarou Fest as one of the top 10 costume parties in the country, and you can join in the fun and compete in the contest. Numerous ghost sightings have been reported over the years, making it one of the most haunted landmarks in the USA. Definitely a loup-garou. Stories on its origin vary, but some say its a spirit while others claim its a child that was raised by alligators. According to reports, this Louisiana monster looks human, except for his sharp teeth, goat legs, and many abnormalities. The student would take evening walks while saying the rosary. Where are you from? Kliebert got no response. The Rougarou, Beast of the Louisiana Bayou, Gets a Makeover One man hopes to turn the wolfish cryptid into a mascot for saving the state's imperiled wetlands. But as someone who lives in Louisiana and knows many Catholics who break Lent, I'm not so sure about this myth's validity. Legend of the Rougarou, a Louisiana werewolf - The Daily Advertiser Since the migration, many of the legends began to change to match the times and the dialect. One recent supposed sighting came from a woman in Harvey, Louisiana, who claimed she saw a Grunch eating one of her neighbor's dogs. She describes the Rougarou as "an important identification marker for South Louisiana's culture." Perrin's statement is quite obviously true due to the Rougarou's clear influence in local culture and beyond. The Legends Of This Mythical Creature In Louisiana Are Terrifying There was also a story that was told to kids that if they didnt do what their parents asked, a loup-garou would come and steal them away in the middle of the night. The line on the trees in this picture taken Nov. 16, 2017, shows the swamp's typical high-water mark, which generally arrives in the spring. Too afraid to move, he watched as a figure about 8 feet tall and hairy from head to toe passed slowly below him, eventually disappearing further into the woods. 10 Creepy Facts and Legends about New Orleans - Hotels If you'vegot a questionabout something Louisiana-centric, ask us. While you're in Houma, don't forget to stop by A-Bear's, home to some of the most delicious homemade desserts in Louisiana. In Assumption Parish it is common place for house to be built substantially off the ground to withstand inevitable flood waters. When they were choosing the new name, one of the trademarks filed for was the name the New Orleans Rougarou. The short answer is oral tradition. Modern claims of Rougarou sightings are few and far between, however, unlike reports of something strange seen in the swamps of Honey Island. Thank you! Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. Back in the day of armor, swords and jousting, there was a lot more to fear than the plague and witches. However, due to its incredibly poor math skills, the beast can only count to 12.,, Legend of the Rougarou: Louisiana's Werewolf The creature ran two city blocks before absconding into the marsh. Proud foodie. As outlandish as that sounds some of the very details in this essay support that. I heard sounds Ive never heard and smells Id never smelled but never spied anything. Years later the seminary student was watching a television program about Bigfoot and they played audio of a suspected Sasquatch. I had been riding my bike through the trails in the woods that were in the back of Laplace Park. With the head of a werewolf and the body of a man, the creature is said to prey on misbehaving children and dates back to medieval France. In a 2008 Fox News special,people claimed they'd seen the beast. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I had relatives that lived in Covington," Brettel said. Frequently referred to as beast in the story, the part-man, part-animal with piercing yellow eyes has appeared in several anecdotes by self-styled witnesses since the 1960s. For instance, in 2015, the floorless roller coaster Mantis was renamed Rougarou. During this time, however, the Rougarou was called Loup-garou. One of the most popular stories that gets passed down from generation to generation is the legend of the Rougarou, Cajun Country's answer to Bigfoot. Why do Bud's Broiler's burger prices conflict? It is most often described as having a human body with the head of a wolf or dog, with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Makes that morning commute not seem so bad, right? This version varies from being a Bigfoot legend to resembling something more like a wendigo. I had almost forgot about it since no one answered phone when I wanted to tell someone what I just seen was so weird. The story was born in France in medieval times, when they actually believed in werewolves. Could these sightings be and unknown species of hominid living for the most part, undetected in the southeast Louisiana wilderness? 1983 St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. He hides in tall grass near Grunch Road in New Orleans, LA, waiting to prey on teens who park there. Another Louisiana swamp creature that seems rooted in lore is none other than the Rougarou, which is basically a Cajun version of the werewolf. In 1989 this man was alone on top of the levee near Bayou Steel; He was waiting for his brother to meet him to go hunting behind the levee. The creature is described as half-man, half-dog. In these times, many crimes were blamed on the beast, ranging from theft to kidnapping of children. Two dead squirrels and a dead rabbit were found under the house where the creature had been rummaging. The monster has its own Wikipedia pageand has been the source of numerous news stories and documentaries. 51. The New Orleans Pelicans had originally thought about changing their names from the Hornets to the Rougarous at one point! Legend of the Rougarou, a Louisiana werewolf - Paranormal Outlaw The only one I say can I truly believe is the sighting told to me by Mr. Nameless and that is only because I have known him my entire life and trust him. Apparently, when a person changes into a Rougarou they forget how to count past 12 (probably since they only worry about midnight and the moon at this point). We got kicked out of Nova Scotia, and now were getting kicked out of Louisiana and it just feels like theres some generational trauma linked to being forced to move over and over again, he says. Can you really only eat oysters in 'r' months? Full report can be found at The commuter stated that the headlights of his car shined directly onto the creature so they got a pretty good look at it. We can only hope Ruston, LA never decides to build a Grunch Road. When they got to the spot they noticed the earth and surrounding plant life was disturbed like something big frequently passed there, a game trail of sorts. The creature continued on as it reached a woody marsh area near a canal then disappeared. French and Canadian settlers as they migrated brought with them the legend of the beast to Louisiana. As it gets to 13, it becomes confused. Was there really a monster in the swamps? It's okay, because we're here to bust them! When French settlers came to Louisiana, the story came with them. Some even suggest a mix of biological and fringe.