scion asset management

You can download an Excel spreadsheet with metrics that matter of Scion Asset Managements current 13F equity holdings below: Click here to instantly download your free spreadsheet of all Scion Asset Management / Michael Burry holdings now, along with important investing metrics. The company is currently facing heavy challenges, including all major banks cutting ties with private prisons and President. Tesla Stock Gets a Lift as 'Big Short' Investor Michael Burry Exits Bet Louis Bacon's: Moore Capital Management. Here's what investors need to know about Michael Burry's long positions. After more than two years, on February 14, 2019, Scion Asset Management filed another 13F, showing Burry to hold numerous large-cap stocks and $103,528,000 13F assets under management, just above the threshold for filing. Scion Asset Management manages $291.7 million and provides investment advisory services for 4 clients (1 advisor/client ratio). , Does your firm recommend securities that it or its affiliates underwrite, or in which it serves as general or managing partner? Will His AI Plans Be Any Different? Justice Brett Kavanaugh suggested it was problematic that Biden took executive action even though Congress has not passed legislation related to student debt. Each month, helps thousands of Americans answer the question, "Can I trust you?". Disclaimer: It is our organization's primary mission to provide reviews, commentary, and analysis that are unbiased and objective. What conflicts do I need to be made aware of? GameStop Stock: What the SEC Says About Direct Registration, Alibaba Group Holding Limited American Depositary Shares each representing eight. Michael Burry | Scion Asset Management Profile - Questions to ask As a financial advisory firm, Scion Asset Management can provide a variety of financial planning services for Americans. This situation may lead the firm or a related person to recommend proprietary investments and products that could generate larger commissions than other similar non-proprietary products. He also urged investors to liquidate their stocks. Fintel is a registered trademark. Green rows indicate new positions. His analysis resulted in him shorting the market by convincing Goldman Sachs and other investment firms to sell him credit default swaps against subprime deals he saw as weak. Michael Burry . The S&P 500, widely regarded as the benchmark for the US market, returned just under 3%, including dividends over the same period. , Michael Burry is likely betting on Wolverine as a distressed equity play, as the companys sales are still more than twice its current market cap. Scion has $638,901,404 assets under management (AUM). Greenhaven Associates Updated 10 Jan 2023. What does this mean and why is it important? The Scion Group announced the addition of 32 high-quality assets and approximately 20,000 beds to its portfolio of student housing communities. Specifically, The GEO Group has suspended its dividends, which has allowed the company to deleverage rapidly. Ultimately, Burrys analysis proved right. 2015-2023 Fintel Ventures LLC. Founded in 2018 as an unbiased resource empowering consumers to research and compare financial advisory firms, today gives consumers the tools to make smart money decisions about credit, retirement planning, and more. What does this mean? Warren Buffett's: Berkshire Hathaway. Please see our General Disclaimers for more information. Scion Asset Management a Portfolio Activity as reported in the most recent 13F form published on Dec 31, 2022. Specifically, his picks were published on message boards on the stock discussion site Silicon Investor back in 1996, with their returns being outstanding! We use the change in the portfolio allocation because this is the most meaningful metric. These commissions may be earned from the sale of investment or insurance products and are paid by the companies providing the products being sold. What does this mean? SCION ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC SC 13D Filing Concerning GME on 2020-04-02 The GEO Group Inc (US:GEO) Once the rate of requests has dropped below the threshold for 10 minutes, the user may resume accessing content on T. Black Knight offers blended software, data, and analytics solutions all over the globe. [19] He has focused much of his attention on investing in water, gold, and farm land. Keep reading this article to learn more about Scion Asset Management. This conclusion led him to short the market by persuading Goldman Sachs and other investment firms to sell him credit default swaps against subprime deals he saw as vulnerable. To allow for equitable access to all users, SEC reserves the right to limit requests originating from undeclared automated tools. Maintenance Technician Job in Minneota, MN at The Scion Group See the articles below for analysis on other major investment firms/asset managers/gurus: If you are interested in finding more high-quality dividend growth stocks suitable for long-term investment, the following Sure Dividend databases will be useful: The major domestic stock market indices are another solid resource for finding investment ideas. What happened? On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. According to the latest 13F filing from famed investor Michael J. Burry's Scion Asset Management, the hedge fund has added seven new stocks to its portfolio. This means they effectively own 0.6% of the company. Dr. Michael Burry and his fund Scion Capital were made famous by the movie "The Big Short," which documented the history and events leading up to his contrarian but hugely successful bet against the real estate market in 2008. He has warned a severe recession on several occasions over the last year. Michael Burry - Scion Asset Management, LLC - Portfolio Holdings - Fintel To file a complaint or dispute with this firm, please fill out the SEC Investor Complaint Form. Michael Burry of Scion Asset Management liquidated his entire investment portfolio in the second-quarter, according to the latest 13F holdings report. Firm or an affiliate actively engages in business as a law firm or lawyer. The Scion Asset Management manager revealed the purchase of seven new stocks in the last quarter. '[26] In May 2021, it was reported that he held puts on over 800,000 shares of Tesla. Back on April 10, 2020, Michael Burry, who gained fame as a major character in the book and movie The Big Short, filed a 13D on Gamestop Inc. (GME) disclosing that his fund Scion Asset Management, LLC owned 5.3% of GME's outstanding shares. While Scion Asset Managements portfolio lacks diversification, its holdings come with characteristics that reflect Dr. Burrys principles. These filings are called "notice filings". , He quickly earned extraordinary profits for his investors. [] [9][31][6], He is a fan of heavy metal music, including bands such as Obituary, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth, Slipknot, King Diamond and Pantera. What does this mean and why is it important? Cassandra B.C. (@michaeljburry) / Twitter What does this mean? That would put the U.S. in a recession under "any definition.". IAPD - Investment Adviser Public Disclosure - Homepage Several times last year, Burry predicted a stock market crash by betting that inflation would not give way. . He is best known for being amongst the first investors to predict and profit from the subprime mortgage crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2010. The current portfolio value is calculated to be $47.00 Mil. Questions to ask Qurate Retail Inc makes up There are currently 6 companies in Mr. Burrys portfolio. We know that he's recently bought big on Geo Group (), despite its less-than-stellar performance of late.However, his other picks might surprise you. As of 7th November 2022, Scion Asset Managements top holding is 2,019,150 shares of Geo currently worth over $15.5 million and making up 37.6% of the portfolio value. Northport Investment Management, Albatross Investment Services, Lynn H. ORR Capital Management Group, Level Partners Management, Allvestments, Was this helpful? Michael Burry (Scion Asset Management) Portfolio Update: Q2 2021 13F Firm is affiliated with an insurance company or agent who may be motivated to insure clients with products that generate high sales commissions when lower cost alternatives may exist. I was damned sure I was going to pay it off. To see Scion Asset Management's original 13F reports (2022 Q4), please click on the "important" button. Black Knight Inc (US:BKI) But critics have aired various concerns about Bidens plan, such as whether his executive order oversteps the presidents authority. Coherent Corp. produces and manufactures, and sells engineered materials, optoelectronic components, and devices internationally. How does your firm mitigate them? However, Dr. Burry has a much broader track record in the investing world. Relative to the number of outstanding shares of Geo, Scion Asset Management owns more than approximately 0.1% of the company. Scion Asset Management fund manager Michael Burry, who rose to fame with timely bets against housing ahead of the 2008 financial crisis, in the last quarter dumped a dozen bullish positions and . [21] In August 2019, Bloomberg News quoted an email from Burry where he said there was a bubble in large US company stocks due to the popularity of passive investing, which "has orphaned smaller value-type securities globally". Firm's/Financial Professional's profile pages may contain certain limited information directly provided to by the Firm/Financial Professional including, by way of example only, the Personal Bio, Certifications, and/or Investment Philosophy portions of the profile page. For instance, research has shown that mutual funds that use incentive fees take on more risk than funds that do not, and tend to double down and increase their risk following a poor performance. Verition Fund Management LLC increased its holdings in shares of ScION Tech Growth II (NASDAQ:SCOB - Get Rating) by 153.7% in the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent disclosure with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Scion Asset Management Review - MagnifyMoney relies on regulatory data from the SEC to rate and review financial advisor firms. . EXHIBIT C. July 28, 2019. MGM Resorts International (US:MGM) Burry predicted, "Fed will cut and government will stimulate. Firm recommends securities or other investment products to advisory clients in which the firm or a related person has some other proprietary (ownership) interest that isnt related to trading or holding the security or securities themselves personally. For the most up-to-date information, please view the applicable SEC and FINRA reports above. Sciens launched the Sciens Water Opportunities Fund in 2018 to make investments in the U.S. water sector. What does this mean and why is it important? This is a low margin business in the first place, and so despite the company posting record revenues last year, it saw a decline in earnings. The fund's top five holdings, which we analyze below, account for 72.2% of its total public . Bailing generations out of those bad choices will mean more bad choices, tuition hikes, and terrible consequences for America, he added. SCION ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC is a financial services company based out of 20400 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, California, United States. These companies are located in Dover DE, Madison WI, and Saratoga CA. Firm or an advisory affiliate was previously found to have made false statements or omissions by a self-regulatory organization. BBBY has plummeted by more than 95% from its 2021 peak to below $2 a share today . [9], Despite not practicing, Burry has kept his license as a physician active with the Medical Board of California, including continuing education requirements.[10][11]. What does this mean? The average market cap of the portfolio companies is close to $2.02 billion. Scion Asset Management, registered in 2018, serves 2 state (s) with a licensed staff of 4 advisors. You wont receive financial advice or any financial planning services as an individual investor, and you can only invest in the available funds that the firm oversees. Click the link icon to see the full transaction history. Hedge funds are required to report only their long positions, not their short positions. When I left residency at Stanford to gamble my future on what was to become, I had well into six figures of educational debt. With headquarters in New York and offices in London and Guernsey, Sciens has been investing in real assets strategies since 2007. Burry is betting big on the discretionary and industrial sectors, which generally benefit from economic growth. This video discusses the update to Michael Burry's portfolio (Scion Asset Management). Aside from potential increases to the cost of education, Burry did not elaborate on what terrible consequences he foresees for the country. The majority of the companies in the funds portfolio are large-cap stocks. Portfolio 9 Options 0 Performance. The company has been growing rapidly over the past few years while retaining compelling profitability levels. The latest quarterly filing from Scion Asset ManagementMichael Burry's firmshows no bearish bets against the electric-vehicle giant Tesla The loss of a notable bear appears to be giving . 1,517,790 additional shares. The collapse of the real estate market in 2008 was a key event leading to the global financial crisis. When he was younger, he noticed that it took him a lot of energy to look people in the eye, and said, "If I am looking at you, that's the one time I know I won't be listening to you". Relative to the previous quarter there was a little reshuffling of his holdings. Checks take place monthly. Financial planning services can include tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning, or life-based event planning such as saving for college, getting married, purchasing a home, paying down debt, or planning an inheritance. Updated 05 Jan 2023. The impact to a portfolio due to this purchase was 0.65%. The hedge fund exited positions including Alphabet Inc. and Facebook . [13], In 2005, Burry started to focus on the subprime market. Average metrics of all companies in portfolio . So is Burry less bearish on the U.S. economy than he was last year? Scion Capital returned 489.34% (net of fees and expenses) between November 1, 2000 and June 2008 compared to 3% total return from S&P 500 during the same time frame. A Self-Regulatory Organization has previously found the firm or an advisory affiliate responsible for having an investment-related business have its authorization to do business denied, suspended, or revoked. What does this mean and why is it important? Thus, be mindful and conduct your own research before allocating your hard-earned money to any of these names. If a user or application submits more than 10 requests per second, further requests from the IP address(es) may be limited for a brief period. What percentage of income does your firm receive from fees versus commissions? Questions to ask [14][15][16], During his payments toward the credit default swaps, Burry suffered an investor revolt, where some investors in his fund worried his predictions were inaccurate and demanded to withdraw their capital. The firm owned 95,150 shares of the company's stock after purchasing an additional 57,650 shares during the period. PDF Form Adv - Sec Firms that earn a 4.5 or 5 star rating are also eligible to receive the "Trusted by" badge. Scion Asset Management LLC holdings changes, total fund size, and other information presented on was derived from Scion Asset Management LLC 13F filings. WRITE REVIEW. The fund focuses on investments in the United States as Scion Asset Management. Saratoga, CA 95070. Scion Asset Management: Michael Burry: 22.59%: $46538000: 9: Top Holdings Largest Trades Portfolio Structure Sector Allocation Performance History. Burry predicted Tesla stock would collapse like the housing bubble,[27] saying that "my last Big Short got bigger and Bigger and BIGGER" and taunted Tesla bulls to 'enjoy it while it lasts. Musk Made a Mess at Twitter. Since 1999, Scion Advisory Services has been the sector's most trusted adviser, collaborating with clients on over 250 campuses and counting. assets that are not publicly disclosed such as fixed income, real estate, or cash equivalents. Financial advisors help you achieve your life goals, such as saving for retirement, by creating a comprehensive financial plan and managing your investment portfolio (e.g., stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds). To illustrate how successful Dr. Burrys picks were from the origins of Scion Asset Management to the Great Financial Crisis, the hedge fund recorded returns of 489.34% (net of fees and expenses) between its inception in November 2000 to June 2008. What does this mean? The firm's website is not secure by modern internet standards. Our searchable database of U.S.-based financial advisors includes more than 17,000 firms across the country. Investors following the companys 13F filings over the last 3 years (from mid-February 2020 through mid-February 2023) would have generated annualized total returns of 51.4%. Bloomberg via Getty Images. Michael Burry Portfolio (2022 Q4) - Scion Asset Management - Valuesider subsequently closed the Scion Capital fund and has since launched his latest fund, Scion Asset Management. Michael Burry (Scion Asset Management, LLC) Performance - Stockcircle As a result, we do not support personal reviews on the site. What does this mean? As of 09/30/2022, below is a summary of the Scion Asset Management LLC top holdings by largest position size, as . On February 14, Michael Burry filed his company's holdings report with the SEC. The firm doesn't work with individual investors, although individuals may invest in the funds for which it provides investment advisory services. Some detractors have suggested that a cancellation of student debt would further fuel inflation that hit its highest level in decades last year. Scion Asset Management, LLC has disclosed 9 total holdings in their latest 13F filing with the SEC for the portfolio date of 2022-12-31. Note: We do not offer technical support for developing or debugging scripted downloading processes. Firms that receive soft-dollar benefits could be incentivized to push trades through broker-dealers that provide advantages to the firm instead of through broker-dealers that could provide the best execution for their clients. Relative to the number of outstanding shares of Geo, Scion Asset Management owns more than approximately 0.1% of the company. In the past ten years, firm or an advisory affiliate has been convicted of or pled guilty or nolo contendere ("no contest") in a domestic, foreign, or military court to a misdemeanor involving: investments or an investment-related business, or any fraud, false statements, or omissions, wrongful taking of property, bribery, perjury, forgery, counterfeiting, extortion, or a conspiracy to commit any of these offenses. The headquarters of Scion Asset Management is 20665 4th Street, Suite 201. What does this mean? Thanks for supporting the Wall Street Memes). Does your fim accept soft-dollar benefits? While partners may pay to provide offers or be featured, e.g. Written by CUPERTINO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On August 16 th, Scion Asset Management sent a letter to the Board of Directors of GameStop Corp. urging the Board to direct the full execution of its March 4 . * Reported Price is the price of the security as of the portfolio date. Firm offers mutual funds that carry 12b-1 fees, which increases the total annual cost of owning the fund (with no guarantee of higher returns). Based in Saratoga, Calif., Scion has just six employees, two of whom . Michael Burry does see a recession coming, but that hasn't stopped himrather his hedge fund Scion Asset Managementfrom stocking up on some positions likely to be hit hard by a downturn. Firm or a related person trades securities for themselves that they also recommend to their clients. *SEC data last verified February 17, 2023.