A Gemini Venus enjoys travel too. Venus in Gemini Prefers short weekend trips over longer trips; Venus in Gemini will excel at maintaining daily contact no matter how far away their partner is. The Venus in Gemini woman is perfect for this. They are looking for a partner with whom to delve into a journey of the mind, someone to go alongside with them on this avenue of mysteries that is the world. Gemini is an air sign. but her scorpio ascendant is pretty close to my mars and my venus in libra can be pretty accomodating, sometimes too much so. She will not slash your tires on the way out, as a Venus in Scorpio. You are all about self-expression and are drawn to new ideas and concepts. Gemini likes nothing more than a good chase. It represents the part of you that wants to relate to others and be loved. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. She reads a lot because she has an insatiable craving for knowledge, and her curiosity knows no bounds. Moreover, when she gets bored of something, she quickly moves on to something more interesting. This sign is incredibly curious and smart, but it lacks the patience to dedicate itself to understanding a topic in-depth. Very interesting. Family means a great deal to you, Your email address will not be published. Venusian Geminis are not in touch with their feelings enough to give a concrete answer when they are cornered. Uranus in Taurus 9 10 49 The Venus in Gemini woman is charismatic, approachable, open. Relationships are mostly for mental stimulation and fun for them. Some planets become enchanted in certain signs. They will always be the curious, mischievous child they were once. WebVenus in Gemini women are witty, clever, and gravitate towards those who have a similar mind. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I need to utilize the moon, mercury and mars all in fire signs.. To top it all off I have my sun sign in Cancer. Her Venus is a crucial indicator of how she attracts her partners and what she values. Ascendant in Cancer 23 56 58 They need someone to ride with them. Shes a great student because she will study hard to ensure she aces her tests; and in work, she will put a lot of effort in. It got its name after the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. So, if you are asked by your partner, Why have you been avoiding me?, for example, your answer may seem to have been pulled out of a hat. She know that being armed with knowledge is always a good thing. The Venus in Gemini woman is a very sly and mischievous fellow who uses her wit and deep knowledge of the human nature to put her interlocutors in difficult situations. Her worst quality is, also, her best. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. When shes in a bad mood, she does not want anybody talking to her. They are very curious and love being around people and knowing all the latest news. This woman is in love with the simple act of sharing ideas, its her idea of a good time. Neptune in Pisces 20 56 13 Welcome Maya. It shows what you appreciate, what you like doing, and what brings you joy. She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. and im sure my silences and heaviness were a bit too much for her tastes too, sometimes. He ensures she is safe and pays attention to her needs. Wavy hairstyles fit them well, as they match Geminis edgy personality. This placement suggests an extremely sociable personality. If you want to make a Gemini fall in love with you, take it on trips, discover new parts of the city together, or just go watch a movie that makes you think. Keep it light and happy! She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better.. My Vernus&Moon both are Germini and Asc is Sagittarius. ; Gemini twin flames; Can Gemini and Scorpio be twin flames?. Venus speaks about your sense of self-worth as well.
Venus Gemini Woman Personality Profile The Venus in Gemini is well suited for a career in bookkeeping. A question from parent. She will not rest until everything is adhering perfectly to the letter of the law. Hes a Taurus with Mars in Sagittarius Venus in Aries, moon in Gemini. He says Im funny, and make him laugh. Also read: Gemini woman is faithful, does she cheat?
Venus In Gemini Venus in Gemini is a very good placement for any job where you work with people. When Venus-Gemini people are attracted to someone, they become quite talkative and may talk more than usual. They adapt to their current situation and may tend to duplicate the nearest strongly feminine form whenever they are tired of their old style or simply want a change. Is this a good combination or should I run and never look back? Black Moon Lilith in Aries 15 32 03 Mars in Aries might like a lot of change and new things, also, Sarah. She may have an open mind as far as her interests are concerned and will often migrate from one interest to another without investing too You can come and post charts on my Forum. it IS a refined venus, though and, added to a virgo moon, i dont like what i feel to be crass or vulgar, though im no prude by any means. What is it that he wants. As a partner, she will listen attentively to her partners needs. Venus is a good placement. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Venus in Gemini loves to chat around with acquaintances and neighbors. I get called deep or told Im fascinating, I made them wet, etc. As the mutable air sign, Gemini is not the sign of deep emotions and long-term commitment. Add in Scorpio moon and Sag Asc. They are always changing. Dont forget that these are stereotypes only, and to get a more detailed and holistic understanding of how the stars impact you, you need to consult an astrologer who can look at your full natal chart. The Venus in the Gemini woman is fearless and vigilant. The Venus in Gemini woman likes flirting too. A male in the Venus in Gemini might be shy and quiet, but they attract women who are talkative. You also love an accent wall, so get fun wallpaper, and soak Gemini in Venus-style vibes from fashion chameleon Lizzo, who shares your Venus sign. The Venus in Gemini female is generally expressive, adaptable, imaginative and versatile. ive decided its likely for the best with mars in the 5th, adds some needed discipline and maybe a wiser voice when the impulse is towell, you know what the impulse is. You always know what to say and when to say it. The Venus in Gemini woman is least compatible with the man with his Venus in Virgo. But this does not make her perfect. Gemini is led by Mercury, which is associated with communication and transportation.
Venus in Gemini woman The Venus in Gemini woman is charismatic, approachable, open. People with this placement are quite popular.
Venus in Gemini Woman Leaving love aside, I think we leave when we feel misunderstood, when the other one doesnt get us. She enjoys talking to others, sometimes people mistake her communicative nature for flirting. How many dimensions are there to a person; and when they show up with a very decorative outer appearance void of any inner exploration, well lets just say its a sinking ship before boarding. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. They are really talented at story-telling, and they have a lovely sense of humor. Thats why we also can understand and get it and accept each other.. Never want to lose her as a friend and never want to sexually be with her Im not gay or anything remotely in that whole thing Its kind of like a sister brother who are fraternal twins??? She, in turn, is captivated by how he is gentle and loving with her. In general though, they are pretty low maintenance when it comes to their appearance. Pluto in Capricorn 24 27 40 Rx Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Gemini in the natal chart! They may prefer the phone or chatting during sex. They may also dress in a way that draws attention to their arms and hands. They are often known to borrow from other people. I know this girl, shes a cancer sun, scorpio rising, sagittarius moon, but has a venus in gemini. This person may be restless and find it difficult to decide about a potential partner. And I can agree, once bored, I bounce. Such is the case with Venus in Gemini. So, when you ask them something, they often delay coming up with an answer because they are still analyzing all the answers. "I want to welcome you to my website. Saturn may make flirty Gemini afraid to be a kind of free spirit. My moto is if you cannot stimulate my mind, whats the point of getting undressed? Her communication style in relationships is critical to understand, and her Venus gives you clues into her friendly and active personality. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. Gemini is a mental sign, which is somewhat foreign terrain to the planet of romance and relationships. You will get a chart wheel. What seems too ideal or unreal to some may appeal to them, and even more, they might be fascinated by such things. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. I would lile to know about the stability of this girl since I am looking for commitment. Moreover, she can think in two different ways at the same time, so chances are shes already figured out what you like. Go to Astro.com and put in your birth info. This quality is often misinterpreted as insincerity. I call him Mr Mysterious!
Venus in Gemini Help, please. If you have Venus in Gemini, your best matches are Venus in Aries or Venus in Leo. Venus is one of the most significant planets in the birth chart. She brands herself a feminist because of her innate conviction that men are no better than women and advocates that what a man can do, a woman can do it better. She is bold when it is comes to making decisions because shes got the courage of her convictions. One would have to see the inner workings of the chart to really make a helpful comment, my Friend. You prolly have a short attention span and are also very good with details. Mars in Pisces 21 10 28 well, saturn in cap sextiles that mars and squares my mercury/venus so there is a kind of braking effect in the dynamics. They may also dress in a way that draws attention to their arms and hands. I just think people should handle their own feelings like I do.
Venus in Gemini Natal Just found this. These women love to flirt and are very good at flirting. The Venus in a Gemini woman reveals her natural sense of inner love for the world. Related Article: Gemini Moon Compatibility. Moon Capricorn II Scorpio I am a Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon, Gemini Venus, Gemini Mid-heaven and Chiron, and a Virgio Rising. If you see a womans Venus in Gemini, check her Moon and Ascendant. Dione a few natal charts with different sites and there is no aspect between saturn and my ascendant.. You value exchanging and sharing ideas in a partnership, and a good conversation makes powerful foreplay for you! How does it feel to have that go getter Mars and that refined Venus? The Venus in Gemini Man: Get to Know Him Better, Venus in Gemini: Key Personality Traits in Love and Life, The Venus in Aries Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Aries Woman: Get to Know Her Better, The Venus in Taurus Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Venus in Taurus Woman: Get to Know Her Better. It feels worse than depression or anger. Similarly, she does not have empathy with a man like him who is overly competitive and not willing to lose an argument at any cost. Neither are you the type to excuse yourself to soul-search, then get back to your lover with a meaningful answer. They often have thin, heart-shaped faces, rounded eyebrows, and pointed noses. Venus here wants to be around others, enjoy their company, share information, have a good laugh, and even gossip a bit. She is liable to get angry with people for no reason. I have never been in a relationship, its like I rather have a good time then some ppl take serious for a commit that I am very scared of loosing my freedom so badly. Wavy hairstyles fit them well, as they match Geminis edgy personality. Its worst than suffocation. This sign lives for learning. Youre always quick to reply. Very few women speak as you have. Those with Gemini emphasized in their birth charts are often extremely intelligent, have good social skills, enjoy learning, and they are great at storytelling and fun to be around. The woman in Venus in Gemini will be attracted to men who talk or friendships with women who talk a lot. best wishes to all my Venus Gemini sufferers:)*. If any relationship begins to bore them, they will quickly move on and forget about it. However, they might avoid discussing deeper topics.
The Venus in Gemini Woman: Get to Know Its all about the mental stimulation with them. LOVES to talk, to flirt. She's happiest in lively places with a lot of coming and going.
Venus in a Gemini Woman Which I suppose would make me really fickle since my Venus is trine my moon and ascendant. They are often the jokester of their group. They will be attracted to the latest tech gadgets, so they never miss a message. Oh, and I have Libra ascendant with a Libra moon.
Venus in Gemini woman if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'horoscopochino_co-leader-4','ezslot_17',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-horoscopochino_co-leader-4-0');Venus in Gemini attracts love by being funny and charming. It is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the conscious brain. what can I expect from placements like this? Women with Venus in Gemini are usually very intelligent and interesting. Venus in Gemini is delightful.She does not attract by force, as does Venus in Aries. Fire signs can also be a good fit. A weak Venus in the birth chart can indicate challenges in relationships, not choosing the right partner, etc. Her determination to attain her goals and fearlessness to face any difficulty makes her a formidable woman. Forgot to mention she has venus in the 1 st house also under Taurus and I know Taurus is ruled by venus but the 5 natal birthchart websites I used for comparisons all showed the planet venus itself is in her 1st house .. Men constantly stare at her and women stare at me ..she has a Libra moon and Libra mars .. Maybe that adds to the venus.. By they way her birthday is july 20 the and mine is july 21st The crazy and lunatic of all Cancers.