(d) Corporate citizens shall exercise prudence in advertising its products or services through all forms of media, especially on matters relating to sexuality, further taking into consideration its influence on children and the youth. Guiding Principles (w) Sexual health refers to a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. SEC. Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education He said that his position "is more aptly called responsible parenthood rather than reproductive health". That amount can build 4,644 new classroomsor it can subsidize the college education of 300,000 scholarsa chance for underprivileged student achievers to earn their diploma". This Act shall be liberally construed to ensure the provision, delivery and access to reproductive health care services, and to promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic Act No. SEC. Birth Control. 15. Leader of the pro-RH group, Elizabeth Ansioco, said that the bill is doomed if it is referred to the Committee on Health. 10354, otherwise known as the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012". The elements of reproductive health care include the following: (1) Family planning information and services which shall include as a first priority making women of reproductive age fully aware of their respective cycles to make them aware of when fertilization is highly probable, as well as highly improbable; (2) Maternal, infant and child health and nutrition, including breastfeeding; (3) Proscription of abortion and management of abortion complications; (4) Adolescent and youth reproductive health guidance and counseling; (5) Prevention, treatment and management of reproductive tract infections (RTIs), HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmittable infections (STIs); (6) Elimination of violence against women and children and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence; (7) Education and counseling on sexuality and reproductive health; (8) Treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers and other gynecological conditions and disorders; (9) Male responsibility and involvement and mens reproductive health; (10) Prevention, treatment and management of infertility and sexual dysfunction; (11) Reproductive health education for the adolescents; and. The guide below will discuss 18 family planning methods available today. Prohibited Acts July 1, 2021. 10354 also known as rh law Lesson Objectives: This module discusses background, rationale, salient provisions, and potential impacts of the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or RA 10354, also known as RH Law. The National Drug Formulary shall include hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices, injectables and other safe, legal, non-abortifacient and effective family planning products and supplies. There is hereby created a Congressional Oversight Committee (COC) composed of five (5) members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives. LET'S PLAY! DIFFERENTIATE THE - TNHS PE and Health - 9&10 - Facebook They also agreed that government will not be an "instrument to enforce or violate the conscience of the people about these issues. Flashcards. ; It insures the child and mother gets the best care . They also function as glands because they produce and . Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies (m) Natural family planning refers to a variety of methods used to plan or prevent pregnancy based on identifying the womans fertile days. 8344; and. Be involved in your child's life 4. Education and information materials to be developed and disseminated for this purpose shall be reviewed regularly to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. This further implies that women and men attain equal relationships in matters related to sexual relations and reproduction. Section 29. 1. 7 laWRenCe b. fineR & Rubina hussain, unintended PRegnanCy and nsafe aboRtion in the PhiliPPines: Context and ConsequenCes, in bRief (Guttmacher Inst. Reproductive Health | CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The anti-RH advocates accuse the RH supporters of hiding from the public the international population control agenda which includes abortion and they refer to U.S. Secretary Hillary Clinton who said that RH includes abortion. According to this pillar of Reproductive health, the government should respect the citizen's individual preference and choices of family planning method. Couples determine their ideal family size. Unbridled population growth stunts socioeconomic development and aggravates poverty". The State shall also promote openness to life; Provided, That parents bring forth to the world only those children whom they can raise in a truly humane way. The risk of dying from a vasectomy is 1 in 1 million and the risk of dying from using an IUD is 1 in 10millionBut the risk of dying from a pregnancy is 1 in 10,000. What are the 4 pillars of reproductive health Act? - Sage-Advices This Act shall be known as "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. Section 23. Poverty incidence is higher among big families. [64] Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo stated that these punitive provisions "are tantamount to an affront to civil liberties and smack of religious persecution". MARILYN B. BARUA-YAPSecretary GeneralHouse of Representatives, (Sgd.) 28. [28], The Wall Street Journal in July 2012 said that Aquino's "promotion of a 'reproductive health' bill is jarring" since it could lead to "a demographic trap of too few workers. The forty-eight (48) hours annual pro bono services shall be included as a prerequisite in the accreditation under the PhilHealth. "[citation needed], The key to solving maternal deaths, according to the Senate Policy Brief on reproductive health, is the establishment of birthing centers. [44], Stating that contraception is a lie and "against the beginning of new life", the Philippine Medical Association also stressed that the "health risks of contraception to women are considerable; the list of side effects is long, and includes high blood pressure, strokes, increased incidence of some forms of cancer". The PMA condemns abortifacients that "destroys the fertilized egg or the embryo" and "abhors any procedureor medication that will interrupt any stage of fertilization and prevents its normal, physiological, uninterrupted growth to adulthood". [6][11][25] The Asian Development Bank in 2004 also listed a large population as one of the major causes of poverty in the country, together with weak macroeconomic management, employment issues, an underperforming agricultural sector and an unfinished land reform agenda, governance issues including corruption. [25] Thus, they called their paper "Catholics Can Support the RH Bill in Good Conscience". [37][38], Proponents argue that research by the Guttmacher Institute, involved in advancing international reproductive health, reveals that the use of contraceptives can reduce abortion rates by 85%. There are several studies cited by those who support the bill: President Aquino stated he was not an author of the bill. Capacity Building of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs). Directions: Assuming that after 10 years, you will become a - BRAINLY [3] The Corazon Aquino administration focused on giving couples the right to have the number of children they prefer, while Fidel V. Ramos shifted from population control to population management. Separability Clause. Mapeh 10-Health | PDF | Reproductive Health | Hiv/Aids - Scribd (3) Perform such other functions necessary to attain the purposes of this Act. fResponsible Parenthood Is simply defined as the "will" and ability of parents to respect and do the needs and aspirations of the family and children. This Act declares the following as guiding principles: (a) The right to make free and informed decisions, which is central to the exercise of any right, shall not be subjected to any form of coercion and must be fully guaranteed by the State, like the right itself; (b) Respect for protection and fulfillment of reproductive health and rights which seek to promote the rights and welfare of every person particularly couples, adult individuals, women and adolescents; (c) Since human resource is among the principal assets of the country, effective and quality reproductive health care services must be given primacy to ensure maternal and child health, the health of the unborn, safe delivery and birth of healthy children, and sound replacement rate, in line with the States duty to promote the right to health, responsible parenthood, social justice and full human development; (d) The provision of ethical and medically safe, legal, accessible, affordable, non-abortifacient, effective and quality reproductive health care services and supplies is essential in the promotion of peoples right to health, especially those of women, the poor, and the marginalized, and shall be incorporated as a component of basic health care; (e) The State shall promote and provide information and access, without bias, to all methods of family planning, including effective natural and modern methods which have been proven medically safe, legal, non-abortifacient, and effective in accordance with scientific and evidence-based medical research standards such as those registered and approved by the FDA for the poor and marginalized as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization: Provided, That the State shall also provide funding support to promote modern natural methods of family planning, especially the Billings Ovulation Method, consistent with the needs of acceptors and their religious convictions; (f) The State shall promote programs that: (1) enable individuals and couples to have the number of children they desire with due consideration to the health, particularly of women, and the resources available and affordable to them and in accordance with existing laws, public morals and their religious convictions: Provided, That no one shall be deprived, for economic reasons, of the rights to have children; (2) achieve equitable allocation and utilization of resources; (3) ensure effective partnership among national government, local government units (LGUs) and the private sector in the design, implementation, coordination, integration, monitoring and evaluation of people-centered programs to enhance the quality of life and environmental protection; (4) conduct studies to analyze demographic trends including demographic dividends from sound population policies towards sustainable human development in keeping with the principles of gender equality, protection of mothers and children, born and unborn and the promotion and protection of womens reproductive rights and health; and (5) conduct scientific studies to determine the safety and efficacy of alternative medicines and methods for reproductive health care development; (g) The provision of reproductive health care, information and supplies giving priority to poor beneficiaries as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization must be the primary responsibility of the national government consistent with its obligation to respect, protect and promote the right to health and the right to life; (h) The State shall respect individuals preferences and choice of family planning methods that are in accordance with their religious convictions and cultural beliefs, taking into consideration the States obligations under various human rights instruments; (i) Active participation by nongovernment organizations (NGOs), womens and peoples organizations, civil society, faith-based organizations, the religious sector and communities is crucial to ensure that reproductive health and population and development policies, plans, and programs will address the priority needs of women, the poor, and the marginalized; (j) While this Act recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law, the government shall ensure that all women needing care for post-abortive complications and all other complications arising from pregnancy, labor and delivery and related issues shall be treated and counseled in a humane, nonjudgmental and compassionate manner in accordance with law and medical ethics; (k) Each family shall have the right to determine its ideal family size: Provided, however, That the State shall equip each parent with the necessary information on all aspects of family life, including reproductive health and responsible parenthood, in order to make that determination; (l) There shall be no demographic or population targets and the mitigation, promotion and/or stabilization of the population growth rate is incidental to the advancement of reproductive health; (m) Gender equality and women empowerment are central elements of reproductive health and population and development; (n) The resources of the country must be made to serve the entire population, especially the poor, and allocations thereof must be adequate and effective: Provided, That the life of the unborn is protected; (o) Development is a multi-faceted process that calls for the harmonization and integration of policies, plans, programs and projects that seek to uplift the quality of life of the people, more particularly the poor, the needy and the marginalized; and.
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